Nov 11, 2003 00:18
Right now I am insatiably scratching the back of my head due to the welts that are products of a misinformed trip to a house with a fucking dog. I hate animals of all sorts...they make me itch, water, and tingle; and I dont like those things. Today a member of the national chapter of ZBT (Zeta Beta Tau) came down to talk to us about starting our own chapter right here at UK. Sounds intriguing, but Im not sure if it would be worth it in the long run (money,time,work). It seems that most organizations I have been a part of are plauged with greed. Everyone wants to be the most important component or get the most the foundation crumbles and everyone ends up pissed off ; especially people like me who just want to have fun with the group and not necessarily be the center of its universe. I hardly have the trust to play intramural sports much less start a fraternity, since in the long run I always seem to get cut out. My weekend was fun as hell, as I went back home to party with Tanner on his birthday. While it was good to see him it wasnt good to see what he and my other friends (the few remaining ones from highschool) are becoming. It makes me wonder if he or any of them will ever wake up with the realization that they have spent years of their lives getting jacked up, stoned and drunk in their parents' basements...and if they keep it up, these will be their last years. Saturday was a much happier note, as I went out and finally met a local online Mustang club that I have talked to for quite sometime via the web. They were not only really nice, fun, and welcoming people, but they had the most badass cars I have ever seen. We then went cruising 20 mustangs deep around town, which ruled ass. I turned down going to the movies that night in lu of the fact that so many fuckers that have just turned their backs on me this year were going to be there *coughbrennencough*. Its hard for me to even fathom how you could get so close to someone and know everything about them and who they are and then just drop them like a bad habit and for no reason at all. Situations like that make me feel like there is pointless to try becoming close friends with anyone ever again. So to avoid exposing those shitty feelings reminiscant of salt in a wound, I hung out with Heather which delivers a quite contrary blissful notion unmeasurable by human means. I love you Heather....more than are my everything.