Title: The Changes When the Wind Blows Pairing(s): KyuMin (kids) Genre: Fluff, Friendship, slight!romance Rating: PG Summary: Mothers always tell you when you're little that the boy who bullies really just likes you. Sungmin has a bully, is this true for him too?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW KYUUUUUTE but.. i think Kyu was TOO SNARKY for a kid :^D kids dont know bad phrases like these.... i hope >___< he has to make it up now >_
hahaha sadly i know some kids who are this snarky >< nowadays. They weren't that snarky when I was that little but >< its scary how much faster kids are growing up these days. Haha yeah Kyu was a BRAT bahaha he has a lot of making up to do.
hahaha no no he'll have some major sucking up to do buttttt bahaha if he's smart he'll hold Sungmin's hand a lot and then Minnie will slowly forget just how much sucking up Kyu needs to do.
Well, Kyu IS smart. You know this fic gives me bad bad bad ideas.. Like when they're 10 they are kids and do sleepovers and sleep in one bed holding hands And when they are about 14 Minnie is still cute and innocent but Kyu has other ideas AND WHEN THEY'RE 16 ........
OH hahahaha Yonsun I <3 you soo much! I can completely see the sleepovers holding hands bit. 14 Min is cute and innocent and Kyu has other ideas, oh yeah definitely. He'll probably be thinking about er 'experimenting' when he's 13 but not get the courage to instigate anything until 14 so you're right on that matter bahahahahaha oh god 16 >< yeah that's a danger zone especially if Kyu were to get jealous cuz er he gets jealous rather easily. ^^
but.. i think Kyu was TOO SNARKY for a kid :^D
kids dont know bad phrases like these.... i hope >___<
he has to make it up now >_
You know this fic gives me bad bad bad ideas..
Like when they're 10 they are kids and do sleepovers and sleep in one bed holding hands
And when they are about 14 Minnie is still cute and innocent but Kyu has other ideas
AND WHEN THEY'RE 16 ........
i love you too! :D
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