Jul 03, 2008 03:25
not more of the same, not anything at all.
is it so wrong to to just exist?
does there really have to be a positive or negative charge to everything?
What is a neutron, anyway?
The filler, the in betweens that make up all the rest
today is a neutral one,
tomorrow might be one too
it's all a heap of blah for the time being.
I used to have a big stigma about 'bad' things being better than things that you might be indifferent about, things that might just be what they are without any strong emotion either way.
Well to hell with that, I'm really happy, that if in nothing else I can find joy at the moment, I can find it in feeling indifferent as opposed to terrible.
I'm tired of feeling bad about conditions and situations that I have little to no control over, if I can't be happy about life, I think that I'm much better off accepting the bad along with the good.
Life gives you lemons, so you make lemon-aid. Life throws you boredom and rotten standards of living, so you carry on until change finds you.
Nothing is wrong, but nothing is right. Maybe the two extremes don't actually exist.
Maybe I need to spend less time playing with echoes inside of my head.
who knows?