I woke up in new york city

May 18, 2007 20:29

No sleep till Brooklyn

In around two months, I am moving to America. This scares me beyond belief. None of this going for 7 months for school and then coming back, this time its for good.

I went through an old, broken down box in my closet today and found all sorts of old keepsakes. Letters and pictures of old boyfriends and best friends, little drawings and pictures of friends from almost 8 years ago. Nostalgia is hitting hard and it's nice. If we forget who we are and how we've grown up and the people that have influenced us we turn into a big pile of retard with no direction or course in life. I'm going to miss too many people here but all the uncertainty and build is turning my stomach into an Orchid garden. And it's swarming with Butterflies.
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