Name: Sealand
Join date: 2 September
Total cards: 1432
Level: Lime (claimed lemon)
TRADING BUDDIES (=▿ =`*)૭None!SIGNATURES ([∂]ω[<])
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Sketch031Portfolio01Trades: 124 (redeemed 80)COLLECTING \(`フ ´)/╰(`へ ´)Lotto/Crayons
x2Keeping//Future Decks
Kamina - TTGL - Believe
Kobato - Flask
Botasky - Cat Shit One - Hai Copy
takoyaki01, takoyaki15, takoyaki18, mako18, and kora03 [origami]
Trade offers that I initiate expire in 1 week if there is no reply/confirmation.LOG (ㅎ.ㅎ✞)७
Beauty Pageant 49: streamlight02, gankutsuou10, suna-suna01, berserker04
Color's Coloring Book 37 (brown bucket): controlled09
Crosswords 38 (ODD PRIZE): purple crayon
Recycled Art: adeptrogue17, chimera10, chimera14, martillo20, particle09, ruby06, ruby07, russia14, seychelles02, seychelles04
Scrapbook 39: cosplay08, pendulum13, dreadlocks17, harmony17
Traded black keys11, karaya14, respect05, transfer19 and signatures for Little kitty15, martillo09, negi16, ace witches04 with Elphie.
Traded atomic04, plasma02 for iceland04 and negi13 with Galearc.
Traded touchthis05 for ruby14 with shamuon.
Traded Badges18, Blackkeys11, Bloodyrose16, Egoist03, Pureblood15 for Ability04, Blackmage12, Littlekitty03, Refreshing05 with nerrin.
Ryoga's Directions 47: stoic14, birthmark06, kitten11
Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 91: money02, small13, lovey-dovey02
Host Club Giveaway - round 47: sirix18, meteor10
Color's Coloring Book 37 (1-2 Yellow crayon): vest20, cowbell13, nightmare17, wutai05
Color's Coloring Book 37 (1-1 Brown crayon): alone13, guns05, sohcahtoa08, lenster13
Kyuubey's Information Exchange 37: (renegade16) 66702, assistant04
Crosswords 38: (OPTION #2: after04, allies17, canada09, five09) legal02, shard01, repair11, mercury19, heart20, detached16, psychiatrist18, whaleshark20
Graffiti - Round 47: assertive01, gunblade01, eight08, veda03, empathy15
Guess the Color - round 94: samekh03, warrior05
Seiyuu Guess - round 87: broom13, coach14, winter05, unwritten19, brown crayon
Art Lesson with Rukia 100: tamer08, bigsister15, marriage05, admiral03, snowboard16, rivalry16, firstson06
All trades [0108-0112]
hereTraded Bladerang16 for Meruru02 with ihants
Traded farseer05 for meruru01 with chromoplasted
Traded hopeless11 for meruru03 with snackoos
Traded four05 for meruru06 with darkraven616
Traded secondson01 for meruru08 with nyxnoxbox
Traded illness03 for meruru09 with blue
Traded hyakume07 for meruru05 with arakumo
Traded firstson06 for ability01 with Shamuon
All trades [0085-0104]
here[0098-0104] Traded destined13, equation04, feel05, hysteria04, nightmare18, sharnoth04, and snake10 for adeptrogue04, flask05, norway13, ramen06, rayearth05, rayearth11, ruby17 with soporill.
Swapped a yellow and blue crayon for two blue with tales_fan.
[0096-0097] Traded Stalker08, Stalker17 for iceland01, magician19 with experienced.
[0086-0095] Traded actor19, bolverk03, boxer03, caliber08, caliber16, cheerful10, faithful01, president12, trigger11, trigger13 for acrobat05, acrobat09, fishanima03, gakuen15, iceland07, latvia05, latvia11, littlepuppy05, littlepuppy15, seychelles12 with ouji_tan.
[0085] Traded cannon09 for fishanima10 with pierrott.
Traded safety06 for finland18 with stopping.
Traded ice03 for geek05 with inktrashing.
Update: farseer05, bladerang16, hopeless11, hiraikotsu07, hyakume07, four05, chomechome07, secondson01
Special: thunderbolt16
Donated: mascots06
Atelier Meruru Deck Donation: equation04, beautiful18, mechapilots04, purple crayon
Atelier Totori Deck Donation: blackkeys11, ragnarok17, touchthis05, blue crayon
Recycled Art: catcher04, catcher05, latvia02, latvia18, mellow03, mellow04, mellow05, mellow07, mellow09 and mellow10
Sketchpad trades 41-80: exorcise07, pride15, heavyarms07, genma12, green crayon, yellow crayon
Conan's Clues 91: boxer03, egoist03
Pokeradar 91: hammer14, ptrd-4120
Color's Coloring Book 36 2-1 (purple crayon): taozi14, airyglyph06, ae8612, tactless10
Color's Coloring Book 36 2-2 (yellow crayon): carefree01, clueless12, flame20, transfer19
Pokeradar 90: onigiri19, math14
Neku's Music Station 91: destined13, stalker17, sharnoth04
Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 89: demonrose20, iceland18, allies17
Spare Parts 82: vigilante05, retto02
Color's Coloring Book 36: (gray bucket) faithful01
Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 88: caliber16, glass13
Reading Between the Lines 50: plasma02, feel05, rainfell17
Traded artemis10, dynamite14, mask15, rain13 for hydrangea15, magician06, strom15, (belarus04) with miyasaikou
Traded regal02 for littlepuppy06 with nugeyo
Traded Drill16 and Nerd08 for particle07 & seychelles05 with yamanaika
Pokeradar 89: rain08, orpheus14
Pokeradar 88: ryouran11, stalker08, free16
Conan's Clues 89: peach15, blame19
Traded caution06, disinfect16, final turn06, frigid13 and psyqualia20 for finland05/06/10, wizard06, isshu05 with tales_fan.
Recycled Art: hungary18, latvia07, mellow01, parents14, parents16, parents17, ramen03, ramen12, acewitches05 & acewitches18
Scrapbook 36: delusions09, moonlight10, cannon09
Guess the Color - round 93: r-traps06, regal02
Host Club Giveaway - round 46: dote16, sailorfuku14
Crosswords 37: gave up (trainer14, prodigy19, natsuo19, wings19) drugs09, lumberjack04, hero08, haicopy05, ojamajo20, right01, novelist14, neighbor01
Art Lesson with Rukia 98: disinfect16, 1807
Ryoga's Directions 46: frigid13, knave01, certainty15
Graffiti 46: psyqualia20, ability03, monta09, atomic04, fruitist06
Traded forbbiden06, forbbiden20, meister12 and meister17 for parents07, parents20, traps12 and mellow12 with Shamuon.
Neku's Music Station 89: oracle14, firetornado01, weak12
Beauty Pageant 47: paopufruit07, chocobo13, orbs15, thepaper18
Guess the Color - round 92: nightmare18, ngrecords05
Traded illness05, kitten13, traps15 and german14 for catcher11, circle02, parents05 and sweden18 with Blue
Traded violin19 and violin20 for blackmage07 and fishanima05 with origami.
Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 87: anty04, shihouka12, april14
Traded 3moles13 and shinsou01 for finland01 & geek04 with synplistic.
Color's Coloring Book 36 Week 1-1 (brown crayon): artemis04, nakochi09, badges18, shakugan18
Color's Coloring Book 36 Week 1-2 (gray crayon): claw11, haicopy01, donuts09, upbeat09
Color's Coloring Book 35: Blue crayon
Recycled art: acrobat06, acrobat14, geek12, haicopy16, martillo01, martillo03, martillo08, parents02, parents04, and parents09
Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 86: corpses14, minor02
Traded loyal12, mechapilots20, bell18 and duck16 for your barrettes14, hungary03, hydrangea20 and yellow07 with Azurei.
Spare Parts 81: koorime07, mysteria04
Pick a color 43: beast09
Guess the Color - round 91: traps15, nature14
Traded Lorelei14, Priest10, Sky Pirate08, and Strawberry03 for Gynoid07, Little Puppy02, Demon20, and Strom17 with kikinioth.
Sketchpad (40 trades): death17, bolverk03, nyan18, puppeteer11, gray & yellow crayon
Conan's Clues 87: scythe04, president04
Neku's Music Station 88: hiwa03, prodigy19, vodka20
Neku's Music Station 87: phantom09, safety06, emotional05
Pokeradar 86: rain18, finalturn06
Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 86: bonds17, sand13, paprika09
Host Club Giveaway - round 45: india15, illness03
Level Lemon: padlock16, mediator15, ragnarok17, believe13, a brown crayon
Beauty Pageant 46: hungry01, question18, bloodyrose16, america05
Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 85: food18, status06
Traded Cannon02 and Cannon09 for Circle01 and acrobat18 with Noxie
Color's Coloring Book 35: 1-2 Gray crayon Got schwarzer17, shinsou01, hysteria04, benishigure04
Color's Coloring Book 35: 1-1 Blue crayon Got blackmage20, assistant20, burglar14, blackswan04
Ryoga's Directions 45: 3moles13, pendulum08, reality12
Guess the Color 90: respect05, stealth12
Lottery19: Gave up heart06, heart09, nemesisq10, nemesisq20, raccoon14 and won speed19, cantonese05 & a brown crayon
Recycled art: finland03, fireball09, fishanima04, fishanima12, gynoid17, gynoid18, pudding16, ruby02, ruby10 and negi09
Conan's Clues 86: heavyarms17, owner17
Traded otomen10 for haicopy10 with tales-fan.
Traded Howl08 for circle09 with kristi.
Traded Kekkai03 for Particle16 with Nerrin.
Traded hamha16, koorime05 & koorime16 for adeptrogue19, armor03 & fishanima11 with rhap_chan.
Trades [30-42]
Traded Capricorn08 and Swimming16 for parents08 and parents10 with kelliedee.
Traded Airyglyph09, Courage06, Courage11, Honest02 and Logic08 for Gynoid01, Magician02, Parents01, Prussia19 and Ramen04 with Nugeyo.
Traded assassin19 for acrobat11 with shamuon.
Traded jupiter08, zero12, venus12, persocom07 & howl15 for ramen08, littlepuppy08, negi01, thepaper06 and rayearth03 with snackoos.