Dec 06, 2007 19:05
1) What's your name? Barbara
2) How old are you? 34
3) Where are you from? Are you living there right now? From Varese, Italy, and yes, I'm living there right now.
4) Is it cold where you are? Not really.
5) What's the time? 19.06 p.m.
6) What are you wearing? Comfy leopard print pile dress.
7) What was the last thing you listened to? My mother and father talking about an acquaintance of my father's whose wife is not well.
8) What was the last thing you ate? A cereal bar from the vending machine at work.
9) What was the last thing you watched on tv? "Caterina e le sue figlie" ("Caterina and her daughters), a 4-episode romantic show that's being re-aired on Italian TV.
10) What's your favourite tv show? Why? Right now, JAG re-runs. Plenty of hot guys in uniform, and that's good enough for me.
11) Quick! Find a book, or something with text on it! Flip to a random page and read some of it! GO! I grabbed my address book and read a friend's address.
12) What was the last movie you saw? How was it? I re-watched my "G.I. Jane" DVD. Viggo Mortensen as the Master Chief. And in dress whites at the end. Need I say more? (Yes, I am a bit obsessed with hot guys in uniform.)
13) Do YOU think you have an accent? Talk about that. I don't really think I have a noticeable one. I tend to quickly pick up the accent of those talking around me. So, if my cousins who have lived in the South of Italy almost all their life and speak with an Apulia accent are around for a holiday, after a couple of days I start sounding somewhat like a person from Apulia, expecially if I'm talking to them. It's a totally subconscious thing, I'm not even aware that I do it till someone remarks on it.