Funny day today, not a ha ha ha day but quite odd. I've make cake with my youngest seal_pup, cooked food and generally been a really useful Seal_girl.
I was reading some notes from one of my old notebooks, from about 2007 or 8, and happened upon the original notes to some of my fics, some D&D and some of the old Star War Prequel ones I wrote for the fic fest ages ago. And I was thinking about writing and fics and all the fun I had doing the writing and sharing it online, both here at LJ and I looked up some of my old favourites, and some I'd forgotten about, and some I didn't like in the first place, and generally hung around a little bit in the land of fandom. It helped that the internet was working, and that I had time to read it all.
It was fun. I'm sad that the fun has gone. My novel is slowly taking shape and that's all good, but I still miss fandom and having fun with my online friends, being silly and writing fics for other people. It was, fun.
I feel like writing some fic. So (I will take a leap of faith and assume that someone is still reading my journal) does anyone have any prompts?