Yesterday went ok writing wise, as I finished the evening at just over fourteen thousand words. Definitely a good day by writing standards. In theory, if I kept this up, at about 3600 words a day, then I should finish on time. The only problem, and it is the age old Nano problem, is the content. I'm not sure quite where the story goes from now on - not that I ever did know in any of the others, but it feels even more confusing for this story. Really not sure what to do next. I can maybe just write random things and hope to write myself into a plot, in true Nano fashion.
And my Yuletide assignment has arrived! I am a happy seal - it is the one I kind of hoped I would get to write. I think it will be good fun and... that is all I'm going to say about it as I need to keep my dark glasses on. And if my Yuletide Author is reading this, I hope you are as full of Yuletide flavoured
excitement as I am.
Time to do a wee bit of nano and fan fic writing before I have to go and do something less fun.
Current Nano Total is 14274.
Apologies for the formatting fail. LJ is weird.