Well, not really fandoms to go a-writing in, but there have been a few things recently that have caught my attention.
One is Babylon 5. Yes, so long ago, so near. I adored B5 when it came out, something that didn't have the shiny-ness of the Treks but was big and complex and everyone was trying to do different things. It's not perfect, the acting annoys me occasionally (and I'm quite forgiving about acting in general), and it's had it's canon fixed for all time. Actually, knowing what's going to happen, it's pretty good fun spotting in retrospect all the hints and nods and winks the writers gave to the audience. I admire the way the show is written and put together, x-number-of-years-later it's what we all expected from a show, but it really did do it well. I love the story arc idea, and the way it all hangs together. And the moral dubiousness of it all.
I restarted watching series one at the end of last month - I'm quite impressed about how much I remember from first time around.
Next fandom is a game- Dragon Age (the 360 version). Oh, yes, how many of my fic writing buttons does that game PUSH!!?? Not to mention the playing buttons - I had to stop playing for the whole of last month or I'd never have got anything done. I'm NOT going to write fic for it though, even though I'd love to let rip.
Lastly, Merlin. Again not a fandom I'm going to through myself at, but it is good fun. Oh, the shipping possibilities, if I really bothered to ship, which I don't. Again there is the feeling of something bigger brewing on the horizon, and that it's all leading up to something. Not getting too excited by that idea, as last time I hoped that was the case, I was disappointed (Life On Mars/Ashes to Ashes, I'm looking at you!)
Still, it's pretty good fun.
I still enjoy my old fandoms, all except Top Gear, which is ironic as TG is a nice fandom to be in, and filled with fun people who are fantastic writers. And more writing is on the way :)