Dec 02, 2010 16:57
A bit of housekeeping to do. I've been quite lazy in fandom, and I really should say thanks to peeps for a few things.
I keep getting nice reviews at random intervals from - I've stopped replying, but I feel I really should say thanks somewhere.
And thanks to the anon person who sent me an LJ gift of a toy car - that was unexpected and a lovely surprise.
Also, I discovered recently that people lurk here. I don't know why that was such a surprise, but it was. So hi to those who lurk and read what I write. :)
One of the things I like the most about fandom is the other people. I have produced some of my best "work" in connection to doing stuff for others, or inspired by other people, and I have actually missed that. Being fandom friends isn't really like being friend friends. I am friend-friends with a number of my flist now, I've met them in RL and talked about life and work and hopes and dreams and future things. Our conversations have moved on to beyond fandom and left it behind. I did think of organising some D&D fun, but there needs to be other people to play, and RL gets in the way.
Nevertheless, I would still like to do some requests, if anyone is interested (and I include those who lurk in this too). If you would like a fic for Christmas, leave a comment with some prompts. I won't absolutely promise to get them done, as who knows what the future holds, but I'll certainly try :)
fandom thoughts,
!400 days,