Ahh, back to work today. Wearing a tie again, instead of the vast array of cool t-shirts I have been wearing over the past week or so. The first thing I saw upon arrival to the office, atop a stack of files, was a note from my dark lord and master, Satan: "Expect a long night tonight". Well, welcome back, Seal_Clubber.
Much that was planned for my vacation did not occur, but that's okay because what did occur was rich in slackardly goodness. There was plenty o' going to bed waylate and getting up after the sun, just like in the movies! We did not go car shopping after getting positively grotesque insurance quotes (insurance + car payments + increase to rent for parking space = about $800/month) and watching the price of gas jump from $1 last Friday to $1.33 the following Friday. Unless something incredibly more realistic happens in the near future, I think we'll be sticking to the TTC and taxis-in-a-pinch.
Mrs. Clubber's t-shirt was finally obtained, although we had to out to Downsview and wrest it from Purolator's deathgrip. It says "Insufficient Memory" on it, which is humourous for Mrs. Clubber for several reasons. Also, she liked my new t-shirt so much that I gave it to her, because I am saintly nice (it reads, "Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my Base are Belong to You").
My own acquisitions for the play period were every "Family Guy" DVD currently available (so funny), and a slew of other t-shirts with nerdly good statements on them ("There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't", "Soylent Green is People", etc). I think in one of my earliests posts I commented on how Me + Plastic + ThinkGeek.com = Wild Spending, and mes amis, QED1: I went there to get Mrs. Clubber a t-shirt, and came away with Mrs. Clubber's t-shirt and six t-shirts for myself. Oink!
There was also a lot of eating out and ordering in of food, partly because I was on vacation, dammit, and thus imbued with Olympian levels of laziness, and also because it was befitting our Thousandaire Status (we're still living that particular dream, yes. It will wear off soon, but for now, hee).
We did not make it to the Ex, but oh well, we went last year, and my experience has been that the Ex is the Ex is the Ex, at least in recent decades. It will be there next year, and we will likely not have missed much. I also somehow did not find the time to do any online roleplaying with
DearMary, which is pretty much nigh on inexcusable, and yet here I am, hoping she'll excuse me anyhow.
Meh. More as I think of it, but I think that was about it.
1Quod Erat Demonstrandum. It's Latin for "which was to be demonstrated". It does NOT stand for "Quite Easily Demonstrated", as I was horrified to see in a recent movie, and thus will start trickling into the popular consciousness. Damn you, Disney. Damn you to hell.