City council has asked the province to legislate our transit system, the TTC, an essential service, which would removed the union's right to strike. They've asked that the legislation take place prior to March 31st. The president of the transit union, Bob Kinnear, is
promising that his union won't go on strike this year if the city doesn't designate the TTC and essential service. He says that the union will effectively "act as if an essential services law is already in effect."
This would be the same Bob Kinnear who promised to give us 48 hours' notice before the last strike, and then didn't. At the time he said (I'm paraphrasing - too lazy to look up the actual quote), "If we had given people 48 hours' notice, they would have simply abused the drivers and booth collectors for those 48 hours". I am envisioning a strike in August, with Bob Kinnear saying, "But if we told you were going to continue to strike, you would have made us an essential service."
Screw you, Bob. Designate 'em.