I read in yesterday's paper that Miley Cirus, all of 15 years old, is going to write her autobiography. Her publicist is already "shopping for an appropriate ghost-writer" to get the book cranked out before year-end.
Okay, so:
- How exactly is it an autobiography if it is being written by someone else?
- What the hell kind of biography can you do on a fifteen-year-old? "Ages 1 to 2: The Early Years"? "Chapter One: Birth"? Maybe they can pad the thing out by having the latter three quarters of the book dedicated to the wrangling of her music contract and merchandising deals, then wrap up with her hopes of one day driving a car or perhaps having her first sip of alcohol, or maybe outline her retirement plans for when she hits seventeen.
Man. "Okay, we've got her face and name on t-shirts, pens, DVDs, movies, posters, CDs... how else can we squeeze some more money out of this kid?" "Ooooh, I know: let's have her 'write' a book!"
P.S. Didn't having somebody "ghost-write" your work for you used to be a kind of a shameful thing? Sort of "I'm not a good enough writer to draft this myself", let's-keep-that-a-secret-shall-we sort of deal?