Apr 09, 2010 03:01
07:07:25 : Good morning, Starshine... the Earth says 'Hello'. 07:37:17 : RT @TapestryUU: The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled - Plutarch 07:51:51 : @ aerialmelodies wohoo! Freelance! You go, girl! 07:54:04 : RT @geoffliving: Funny how people see asking for help as a weakness, when in actuality self reliance is a weakness. 07:56:17 : Filtering out the noise to find the song. 08:30:14 : Headline of the Examiner: Tourist hordes invade District: spend cash, rile residents #trufax #dc 09:07:42 : @ iroamaround I'm in the same boat. And broke. Not a good combination. 09:11:00 : Wrong coffee drink got handed to me @ Starbucks this morning. Frustrated I didn't notice it then, but #atleastitscaffeinated 09:18:12 : @ yurikokinje @heather11483 Ditto that. I love QC. One of the only comics I still read daily. 09:27:07 : @ TomOKeefe1 That's a rough one. Good luck with the decision-making. I'm sure you'll be happy wherever you end up. 09:28:56 : @ tjdietderich Laptop, cell, wallet, heirloom jewelry. Having lived through 1, the most important thing is your life. Always remember that. 11:09:27 : @ tjdietderich It was, but thankfully my parents and I were okay and able to save our dog. Lost pretty much everything else. I was 10. 11:10:11 : @ tjdietderich Most valuable treasures: family photo albums. Luckily, they were smoke damaged, but not completely gone. :) 11:10:28 : @ aerialmelodies *clears throat* 11:11:35 : a) where did my morning go?! b) love that my friends are friends w/each other on Twitter - small world c) wishing for more coffee 11:21:47 : @ tjdietderich Yep. Hence the laptop and cell-grabbing ;) 11:22:35 : @ aerialmelodies P.S. Just do it. ;) 11:26:14 : Loving this round-up of clean and light web designs from @ sixrevisions : http://tinyurl.com/y8cgk6o 11:41:00 : For those of you who have ever changed a Twitter handle, did you just "rename" yourself or did you start a new account? Why? 11:50:48 : @ aerialmelodies and my scheming has turned into planning. Whee!!! :) 12:48:11 : @ carpenyx Ugh. So jealous. Peanut butter M&Ms are my fave! 12:53:26 : @ zaneology Absolutely agreed. I love bookstores. One of my favorite places to spend time (and money). 13:33:37 : Today has been nuts... I can't believe it's not 5 yet. 13:37:01 : Snazzy new photo, @sazzy! :) How are you doing today? 13:39:05 : @ GoKTGo Tattoo? Awesome. What do you want on it? (And if you need help sketching a tattoo, let me know.) 13:40:24 : RT @TransitionalTee: That's an awesome way of putting it. It's true in life -- if you don't change and adapt, you'll go extinct. #darwinism 13:41:52 : Happy Birthday, @chrisbrogan! Hope you've got one heck of a party planned. :) 13:52:56 : Happy Birthday to the amazing @emmacaulfield! 14:09:49 : @ AmberCadabra I have a hard time with that, too. The best thing for me is to eat more often, but less at a time. I usually forget to eat. :/ 15:30:04 : @ montiac712 OMG she's a people! ;) 16:38:16 : Loving these different definitions of success: http://tinyurl.com/ya3ayrj What's yours? 16:49:42 : @ TransitionalTee Between 8-11am, 2-7pm, which doesn't really make it easy for a 9-5er. :/ 16:50:28 : @ LindsayMAllen I love early morning, so long as I'm at home, not commuting. 16:54:17 : @ TransitionalTee Really depends on the type of work; answer could vary. See: http://tinyurl.com/yd7562l - My answer may have changed since. 17:53:21 : @ vargasl Wish I'd started reading Jane Austen at a much younger age - sadly just started this year! 17:57:40 : @ vargasl You write fiction? That's fab. I've never finished a book, but have done #nanowrimo for the past 5 years. 17:58:41 : @ vargasl I thought I'd lost it, but recently found (most of) a draft with about 25k of my best writing. Hoping to finish that one. :) 17:59:27 : RT @ LawrenceGS I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work - Thomas Edison /via @briancray 18:01:02 : @ vargasl Awesome! Let's talk writing soon :) 19:29:37 : A week, $40, and loads of headache later, I think I finally finished my taxes. #someonegetmeadrink 19:31:16 : @ vargasl Absolutely! And, screenplays? How cool. Are you doing Script Frenzy? 19:32:03 : @ sazzy Doing well, lady. Trying to get my but in gear and work on some creative projects, as well as actual work. :) Busy is good, right? 19:35:52 : @ vargasl I only ask because I love NaNoWriMo so much and it's the same people doing it. I've made great friends and gotten lots written :) 19:41:32 : @ clairethomey Oh, MAN, that sounds good. lol 20:00:37 : Unwinding with breakfast-for-dinner, Bones, and #u30pro chat. Good times. #u30pro 20:03:40 : RT @DavidSpinks: Q1: When you need help in your job or career, where do you turn? A1: Boss, parents, objective 3rd party. #u30pro 20:07:00 : Also, re: Q1, people who have the career or path I would like to have (usually friends from Twitter). #u30pro 20:13:28 : Great idea! RT @ ryanstephens I send my professors articles from my reader that are applicable to their specialties to stay in touch #u30pro 20:19:15 : Re; #u30pro Q2: It's great to ask people you DO know for suggestions of who *they* might ask a similar question. #u30pro 20:20:19 : Good to know. RT @DavidSpinks: A2: Some of my best mentors have come out of me asking for a quick chat to get some advice. #u30pro 20:24:48 : @ PRcreator Great idea. I like that. #u30pro 20:25:40 : @ ryanstephens Nice idea re: Excel spreadsheet of contacts. Think I might steal that ;) #u30pro 20:33:57 : @ MeghanJG Oh, NO! Are you okay? *hugs* 20:39:49 : @ MeghanJG Sending healing thoughts and hugs your way. I hope you get better quickly! 20:49:54 : RT @DavidSpinks: If you do it yourself, youll be better at it. Then you can teach others = best way to master something. #u30pro 20:51:46 : I think it's also important to know when to give up, admit you don't know everything and ask for the help you need. #u30pro 20:54:36 : @ sadoty It's terrible, but people do it all the time. #u30pro 20:55:21 : @ sadoty I'd rather ask 1? and learn to do something right than repeatedly do something wrong for fear of admitting I don't know. #u30pro 20:59:32 : #BONES is killing me. 22:24:06 : @ vargasl Writing: a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia. ;) 22:47:28 : w00t! RT @unmarketing: 4.5 months until the UnMarketing book hits the shelves. Just got lil tingles 22:48:37 : @ kionsanders Seriously? My boyfriend once did that for an entire weekend. SO annoying :P 22:52:16 : @ TransitionalTee Awesome. Props to you and @AmberCadabra. Good colleagues and friends are hard to find, esp. when in the same person. 22:55:00 : @ kionsanders He's cool. Very silly, but great. Just got off the phone with him - he was on his way home from Kung Fu class lol 22:55:39 : @ kionsanders P.S. I love me some Family Guy, as well as the Simpsons - and King of the Hill, too. And Boondocks. I just love cartoons. :P 23:01:14 : Photo: Rollerskating, anyone? :) [texturism:itsallinmyhead:designjunkie:ummhello ] http://tumblr.com/xbx8dz8v4 23:05:08 : @ kionsanders Hahaha will do. The bird is the word... 23:07:12 : RT @Alyssa_Milano: I choose happiness. And every day, I wake up grateful for the people in my life that make happiness the easier choice. 23:07:50 : And with that last, I am heading off to bed, looking forward to another day. Exhausted, but content. Tweets copied by