image from
weheartit Major Life Events:
001. Snowpocalypse Part Deux - February: snowed in during a blizzard; drunken Mario Kart racing online with Keith, Virginia, Monica, and Jessi; walking to Santini's just to get out of the house; hours and hours of shoveling out cars. It was EPIC.
002. Imelda May & Jamie Cullum Concert at 9:30 Club
Default Icons:
001. queen of the wild things by
lightened Layouts:
flora by
appleleaf 003.
sweet caroline by
mintyapple Profiles:
002. image by
lightened Mood Themes:
001. Jane Austen - Pride and Prejudice ★★★★★
002. Neil Gaiman - Odd and the Frost Giants ★★★★★
003. Jillian Michaels - Master Your Metabolism ★★★★★
004. Neil Gaiman - Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes ★★★★
005. Elizabeth Gilbert - Eat, Pray, Love ★★★★★
006. Rick Riordon - Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (currently reading)
007. Neil Gaiman - Sandman: The Doll's House ★★★★
008. Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett - Good Omens (currently reading)
009. Rob Bresny - Pronoia is the Antidote to Paranoia, Revised and Expanded: How the Whole World is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings (currently reading)
010. Barbara Kingsolver - Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (currently reading)
011. Kathy Reichs - Deadly Decisions (currently reading)
Gala Darling002.
Nubby Twiglet003.
A Beautiful Mess004. Altitude Branding
Television Series:
001. House, S1 (currently watching)
002. Pushing Daisies, S1 - one of my all-time favorite shows and seasons; this is a rewatch and totally deserving. I'm so glad I bought this dvd set and am so sad this show was canceled before it's time. *sigh*
003. Sanctuary, S1 (currently watching)
004. Firefly, complete series (currently re-watching)
005. Buffy, S3 (currently re-watching)
006. Pushing Daisies, S2 - see above. This show never ceases to make me happy. I miss having that weekly bright spot in my life. It also makes me want to eat pie. And honey.
001. It's Complicated (2009) - romance/comedy - ★★★★★ - Hilarious!
I loved this movie and can't wait until it's out on dvd so I can buy it and keep it around the house for when I need a laugh and something uplifting. Meryl, Alec, Steve, and John were amazing... Especially the part when John gets high in the bathroom with Meryl and Alec. LOL.
002. Paper Heart (2009) - documentary/romance/comedy - ★★★ - Cute.
Parts of this movie were really cute. I loved the interviews. I really couldn't get on board with the Michael Cera romance, though. He was awkward. She was awkward. The whole thing was really AWKWARD. Meh.
003. Avatar (2009) - science fiction/fantasy/romance - ★★★ - Pretty.
I give this movie three stars only because it was pretty. The world James Cameron created was beautiful, but the movie itself was too long and too familiar. Dances with Smurfs, the Last Samurai in Space, etc, etc. I really think the only thing that made this movie interesting was seeing it on the big screen in 3D. Otherwise, it was just an average movie. I wasn't really impressed. I had a lot of problems with it, actually. From a feminist standpoint, an intellectual standpoint, a non-violent standpoint, etc. Pretty much the only things I liked about the movie were Sigourney Weaver's performance and world of Pandora.
004. Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs (2009) - family/comedy/animated - ★★★ - Cute.
Nothing special. The voices were good and the concept was amusing, but it's definitely not my favorite animated movie. Worth a watch, but I feel no need to see it again.
005. Alice in Wonderland (2010) - family/adventure/action/fantasy - ★★★★ - Strong and Beautiful.
What I liked about this one were strong themes of feminine and female independence, the new twists on a classic tale, the animation and 3D visualizations, the music, the voices, and, of course, Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter.
001. God Help the Girl - God Help the Girl (2009)
002. Little Boots - Hands (2009)
003. Jamie Cullum - The Pursuit(2009)
004. The Swell Season - Strict Joy (2009)
005. Imelda May - Love Tattoo (2008)
006. Jimi Hendrix - Valleys of Neptune (2010)
007. She & Him - Volume Two (2010)
008. The Bird and the Bee - Interpreting the Masters Volume 1: A Tribute to Daryl Hall and John Oates (2010)
Acquired Fandoms/Obsessions:
001. Sanctuary
002. Jane Austen
003. Imelda May
Other Favorites (Pictures, Picspams, Music Videos, Fanfic, etc.):
The Playgirl's Guide to Radical Self-Love