Still t'ain't dead.

Nov 05, 2010 12:13

Though also still waiting on the Navy to get it in gear on a few fronts, primarily financial. Theoretically, we'll get the first installment of Spouse's reenlistment bonus sometime this month. We'll believe it when it's actually in the bank. We're also hoping for a bit of a break in Spouse's schedule so we can get my new ID; the old one expired at the beginning of October, but nobody's had the time or resources to deal with it yet. Once that's done, I can track down the number for the local clinic and see about getting some medications renewed, primarily Ambien. My sleep has not been ideal this past month, which has definitely had an impact on my spoon supply.

Speaking of, I have indeed seen that sexual harassment within the field is one of the hot topics of the day. I laugh hollowly and continue to clean out my inbox from a year and a half ago. I will say this much: if you are commited to being an ally against sexual harassment and follow-up victim-blaming (nobody left the organization because we weren't fucking "stubborn" enough to stick around, and the implication of such is frankly despicable), I'd recommend warning women of your acquaintance against joining the SFPA. There are still a few individuals in the organization commited to actively speaking and working against social injustice of all stripes, but the general atmosphere of the organization not only gives social license for predators to operate, it often hires them a limo and gives them the keys to the city. If you're not a fan of bullying, casual racism, casual sexism, casual misogyny, and mealy-mouthed rationalization of all of the above, the SFPA is probably not a good fit.

Yeah. That's pretty much all I have to say about that, other than that finding genre-focused groups in this area that don't include Bruce Boston is both hard to do and a hell of a statement on what the field, as a whole, is prepared to tolerate. And to clarify, for those who missed last summer, Bruce Boston did not sexually harass me. He "just" personally attacked, bullied, attempted to silence, and encouraged others to engage in the above behaviors toward myself and several other women and POCs who were members of the SFPA, finally succeeding in making the atmosphere of the SFPAnet mailing list so toxic that many of us unsubscribed and blacklisted his email address. The organization itself created another space to be officially sanctioned as the SFPA's online forum, yet I understand that Boston was neither barred from the mailing list, nor the mailing list itself dismantled, and that some of his supporters and excusers are participants on the new forum. That's precisely the sort of passive half-measure that leads me to disrecommend the organization, rather than only warning against certain individuals. I'm leaving comments on this post open, but may freeze them due to the aforementioned lack of spoons.

November is booked with a few projects of both the knitting and writing varieties. Probably it will be another mostly quiet month on the updates front, but I could be wrong.

throwin' rocks, the personal is the political, the toughest jobcakes, the s is for specialer than thou, that's miz bitch to you, for great justice!

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