I got a package on Monday containing March Hare and Dirty (thank you,
Yoon!), and a package on Thursday with Lightning and Scherezade (thank you,
Oyceter!), but didn't have time to try any of them until later in the week. I started with March Hare, since it's the one that was at the top of my want list.
MARCH HARE description on the
A twisted teatime tart: apricot and sweet clove.
In the Bottle:
Sweet, but not too sweet, and very juicy. There's an edge of spice that tickles my nose and makes the roof of my mouth tingle, but not in that "Uh-oh" way. I can smell layers to the sweet.
It smells even better on my wrist, richer. It's making my mouth water.
It gets less sweet as it dries, and the clove comes out to play. Since clove is one of my favorite scents ever, this is no bad thing.
The sweetness comes back for a little bit about fifteen minutes in, but then retreats again. The clove settles down into something a little smoky, a tad powdery. At the same time the sweetness returned, my skin where I'd applied the scent tingled in that way it does when it decides whether or not it's going to have a reaction to something. Luckily, it decided not rather quickly. My head started to hurt after about half an hour, but I've been having sinus issues today, so I don't know if that's the scent. I'll have to try it again when my sinuses are clearer. Otherwise, this is gorgeous, but I think I might prefer something more aquatic. And later still, the sweet comes back again, keeping the blend from being *too* smoky. After an hour and a half, the scent is still going strong. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it's responsible for the irritating tickle at the back of my throat and some of the itchiness of my eyes. These cleared up after another hour, and the scent still lingers, but it's almost all sweetness now, something akin to dried apricots.
Spouse Report:
Spouse said it smells like smelly candle wax. Spouse, it should be noted, refuses to take allergy meds and so spends much of his time not smelling a thing. He'd also be the first to tell you he can't distinguish scents. If I find something that doesn't garner a "smells like candle wax" or "I can't smell anything" reaction from him, I will be very surprised.
Today my sinuses are better, so I'm trying it again. I am having a bit of a stuffiness and watery eyes problem, so I think there's something in it to which I don't react well. Also, while it's a lovely scent, wearing it again I realize it's just not very me. It smells like it was created for a more earth-grounded person, perhaps even earth and fire, and I am much more earth and water inclined.