ski advedture post #1

Feb 09, 2007 11:43

So I'm bored and at home so i figured I might as well join my generation and blog it up.

Went to mt. snow with my dad and good friend Mike. had fun skiing.
Mike's fingers were getting cold and it was 11:30ish so one more run and we'd go in for lunch.
wanted to cut across a blind turn to go up to another slope. I built up some speed, made the turn, realized I was off and was about to hit a tree.
If I have experience with anything, it's falling so it took me a millisecond to realize i didnt have time to avoid the tree by turning so I made myself fall hoping I would stop before getting to the tree.
a couple of frazzeled seconds later I realized plan failed. I did not go face first into the tree but i was on the ground on the other side of it and my leg felt really painfully crampy but i couldn't move it. I also chipped my teeth and was bleeding a little bit into the snow. I remember being ticked off at the thousands of first responders who were talking to me as i was busy trying to bury my blood in the snow so as to not freak out the other skiers. :-)
I never lost conciousness but i don't remember the toboggan ride down the mt or first arriving at the mt. snow first aide building, persumably I pain-blacked out.
They brought me to their intensive clinic and took some xrays and determined my hand was messed up (i had no idea, the only pain was in my hip) and that my hip was broken. They tried and failed to give me an iv (i was cold and in shock...not condusive to finding veins) so they gave me a couple of morphine shots, boarded me and put me on an ambulance to brattleboro vt hospital. Mike rode with me in the ambulance in his socks and snow pants while my dad drove the car.
At brattelboro they did more xrays and cat scans, took me off the board and collar, started the iv and realized that this was actually pretty bad.
At this point mike pointed out his fingers finally warmed up.
Mike and I again took a fun hospital ride to umass medical in worcester. I went in with the trauma team (scary and sucky) they 'reduced' my hip and hand (because it was dislocated) while i was under loopy drugs and more xrays.
the final list is: 2 chipped teeth, 3 broken ribs, 20%collapsed lung, bruised lung cavity, two broken fingers, shattered knuckle, broke my hip in 4 places, skiving fracture on the front ball joint of my femur, fractured knee cap and a stretched and bruised siatic nerve which means I have no ability to raise my foot. I spent the night in the ER flat on my back with a collar on.
My roommates, paresky, mike's mom, my parents, mike and mr. parks all saw me that first night.
Friday I had hand surgery...without an inciscion! I have 3 pins in my knuckle now.
Saturday Dr. Craig Mello came to visit! that was awesome. I hope to tour his lab when I'm able to walk again.
Sunday was my 21st, Lots of people visited but I felt like crap.
Monday I had my hip surgery. I had some kind of imbalnce so when I woke up there was liquid in my lungs and I had a hard time breathing on my own. That cleared and I spent a couple of days lounging around.
Dr. Aaron Lazare (chancellor of umass medical) came to visit after being encouraged to by dr. mello.
On Thurs I went to Fairlawn rehab hospital down the street. I had a crazy immature roommate who drove me nuts. but everyone else was like 80. after 6 days there I came home. Sweet.

now the present:
physical therapist came today. she talks slowly and im 90. pisses me off. she said 2-3 weeks and my foot will start to really come back.
went to umass medical again to have followup with hip and knee doc. took all the dressing off my insiscion and gave me a new knee brace, i can move it 30 degrees!
beyond that, been dealing with work emails and trying to get into my classes...prolly won't :-(
oh well...gunna go watch the news.
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