Dec 21, 2024 20:25
also something i can't explain
despite all the stories i write
i sat rethinking it again
the sun starts it's journey
across the sky
in the old place
i saw the sun rise i knew
exactly where it would be
i no longer have that
but i know where it will light
the fence when it gets here
and still this time is
Rebirth and Renewal!
sun and me too i thought
i wrote Root Man 2015
it got me thinking
about celebrations
the 12 Days of Christmas song
prolonging the holiday
medieval people celebrated lustily
the church celebrated
Christmas to Epiphany 16 days
and the season into February
here the secular world sees it
December 25 to January 1
"Christmas to New Years"
if Solstice is a recognition
the fact and the desire
symbol of hope
then what of duration
of ritual and celebration
it’s make it yourself
December 21 this night
it begins in the desire
in acknowledgment of need
tomorrow December 22
light the new candle it has begun
the reality and the possibility
the secular celebration to January 1
from December 21 to January 1
12 days and new moon on 12/30
things to think about
on this long night