(no subject)

Mar 01, 2007 10:50

So this is my latest work. Pweeeeeaase visit my deviant art!!!(AND COMMENT!!) It's all I ever really mess with online much anymore.

I'm going through some minor art block right now though. 'Cept for a picture for Kronda in my *new* and *shiny* sketchbook which will be done...at some point. So I FEEL JOOR PAIN DIANA!

I've been wanting to do some KH fan art but I can't draw Sora's Hair >< Bah!

Anyway. Yes. I WANT TO BE PREGGERS!!!! >< *pout* ...........Several people I know either just had a baby or are pregnant now. And it makes me jealous. *sadness*

In other news I desperately need a better job. Anybody looking to hire? : P
part-time hours on 8.25 just isn't enough. Though I should be grateful for now because the new set of managers are excellent. And I'm now officially out of the fugly dragon's department. >< ( another associate who thinks she's a pseudo manager because moron Mike told her she'd have a lead position that doesn't exist) So. Yes. Is better.

Anyway, Thas is pretty much what I had to say. < 3
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