(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 17:18

So apparent;y it doesn't natter if you are 18 or not.. you have to have a valid permit in order to test for a lisence. That sounds like it makes logical sence, I just thought they'd passed a law recently that you didn't have to have it as long as you were 18..

I've gotten my permit.. But it's been expired for a while.
Anyway.. Since I didn't know that I made an appointment for today at four, called my mom made sure she could take me to it after school. I come home.. shes not here... call her to let her know we had to go, cause the office is at least half an hour away. But she just spazzes about how she doesn't understand what I'm telling her and that it's way far away and doesn't want to go that far.

So I'm tryin my ass off to make an appointment somewhere closer but they are all booked for the next week minimum. I have to have my lisence by sat. Shit. I call her back. And all she does is rattle off to me about how whatever she's doing at grandma's house ins't working and hands me off to grandma. I think the pnly reason she left right after that was because I finally lost it and started crying while I was talking to my grandma because mom wasn't doing anything.

So (In theory) she's going to take me to get my permit tomorrow morning at eight and I have another appointment at Parker, for 3:15 on Friday., which means I'm going to have to miss part of my last hour class. Joy of joys. And she -still- won't give me an snswer about whether I can even go yet or not. So right now I'm frustrated with mom to the point of tears. I shouldn't cry about something so stupid, but I'm sorta stressed out right now.
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