Have a Very Geeky Halloween!

Oct 31, 2009 23:55


Yeah, that's me, as the Fourth Doctor, offering K-9 a Jelly Baby. Dude! More geekiness under the cut! (I was trying to put all of my photos under the cut, but I failed, so the only things under the cut are three geeky, geeky pumpkins. You should look at them anyways. :D )

We bought 6 small pumpkins and I carved them all; these are the three best ones. The emoticon pumpkin and pumpkin pi were not my ideas, but they're still awesome. The pumpkin in the middle is an extremely stylized/distorted Cyberman design based off of the wall decoration in "The Tomb of the Cybermen" in the Patrick Troughton era of Doctor Who. (That may be the single most obscure thing I have ever said, so here's a picture so that you can know exactly how much of a dork I am.)


At the Halloween party I went to, Lieutenant Commander Data did the robot. It was amazing. (And yes, he knows he's wearing the wrong color of shirt.)

This is my English Springer Spaniel, Lapke. When I introduced her to K-9, she tried to sniff his butt. GUYS I CANNOT MAKE THIS STUFF UP.

I WISH I COULD MAKE THESE PICTURES BIGGER WITHOUT MAKING THEM BLURRY. Especially this one, because it is amazing. The classy lady on the left is randomfandom93, the knitter of my epic scarf.  She's currently working on ANOTHER, more accurate one, because apparently knitting one 22 foot long scarf just isn't a big enough project for her. Since her previous costume ideas (The Tenth Doctor, Romana, etc...) all ended up scrapped due to our inability to find the necessary items, she went as the human personification of the TARDIS. (Note the police hat, the blue dress, and the TARDIS key around her neck.) With K-9, the three of us made a very awesome team!

Happy Halloween!

geekiness, doctor who, halloween, friends

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