Nov 08, 2009 19:16
Lily had her two month appointment this weekend, and she is doing really well. She has her first bout of sniffles, but it managing well. She's 11 weeks old this weekend. We also looked at some pictures of Amber as an infant, which made us wonder how they compare in size. At two months, both girls were 23 1/4" long. But Lily is about 13 1/2 pounds, and Amber wasn't that big until she was 4 months old. Liiy's head circumference is an inch larger than Amber's was at 2 months too. She's above the 95th percentile in both weight and head size, and Amber was almost always 50th percentile for weight. Still, it's amazing how similar they look.
Amber came to the doctor's too, and got her flu shots. She was very brave, and winced a little, but didn't cry at all at one poke for each arm. When Jeff told her she was going to get a flu shot, she understood right away, and said "It's like a vaccination, right? It will help keep me healthy."
I am back to work now, full time four days a week. I'm using the extra vacation we were allowed to purchase this year to take Mondays off until the middle of January. So far it's going pretty well. Lily and Amber are doing well at day care, and I'm actually getting a few things accomplished at work.