CHRIS REDFIELDchriiiiiiiiiisFebruary 4 2011, 06:22:21 UTC
Your Name/Alias: Dha / D Character Name: CHRIIIIIIIIS Redfield Series: Resident Evil 5
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: Yes yes. Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: He'd probably be up in people's business. He's a little intense. What's inspired you to app them?: I love this game so hard. And getting smacked around by a guardian blows.
Potential Concerns: Well, he's kind of a big action guy and is more than a little dense. He won't be probable to meta, but he could get over-involved and in everyone's bidness. Questions Regarding: Rocket launchers? :|
/head mod lmaorefutaviFebruary 4 2011, 06:39:10 UTC
Oh man, well, for starters the Exile and Lady Dumora would love him! Chris could definitely talk to them and try to get more details.
Secondly, if he ever wanted to visit the King and the Queen, you can actually ask us! Also he'd... probably want to smack Genero hard because he's kinda like Wesker. :x
But so far in-game, Ichigo's made a Fight club to see who can do what, and Tony Stark's gotten a group of people together to plot a whole resistance and such. There's a bunch of new things going on, and we're starting to do plots and events for the game soon, so! I hope this helps. 8)
Yeeeep. With the whole CHRIIIIIIIISSSS and whatnot. Obviously that love includes morphing into a tentacle monster of oblivion and PUNCHING BOULDERS IN A VOLCANO but hey, it works.
Great! Yeah, logs and action spam are a big thing here, even if it's just a normal post in the comm, haha! We look forward to having you! :>
Eruka Frog - Soul EateraribbithmaticFebruary 4 2011, 13:20:00 UTC
Your Name/Alias: Hydok Character Name: Eruka Frog Series: Soul Eater
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: Yes? Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: Probably. She likes people, and usually (in canon) winds up as someone's unwilling lackey. What's inspired you to app them?: LOOKATHOWCUTESHEIS also derp+frog+mathematical magic+cute+explosions+lots of flailing+she says "croak"+lots more explosions+cute hat+loli=do want
these are the best reasons
Potential Concerns: She's a witch, which in her canon means she has an uncontrollable drive to cause chaos and destruction. This might not be good. Questions Regarding: NANANANANA MATHFROG!
I see nothing wrong with apping Eruka here so long as you keep yourself aware of the other players. With characters that love chaos and destruction it's always wise to put up a permissions post, but that's no big deal!
I guess it's less "how will other characters interact with her" and more "how screwed is she going to be for causing mass destruction and ignoring all the laws".
Oh, okay! Well, characters interacting with her is a given- regardless of the crazy chaos hoo-ha. The players in game are very friendly and everyone loves building CR. So, there won't be problems there as far as I can see. Some might be skeptical of her within character and/or wary of her because of how she may speak or behave but that's part of the fun!
As far as mass destruction and ignoring the laws go- the king and his consulate won't be very happy about that. The last time someone blatantly ignored the rules (not wearing his mask) he was publicly tortured by Genero and it wasn't pretty. :|
But that's part of the fun, isn't it? The in character consequences.
Your Name/Alias: Boss Character Name: Rufus Series: FF7
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: Definitely Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: Yes What's inspired you to app them?: I miss playing him.
Potential Concerns: Sane Turk casts - do they exist? Questions Regarding: I'm not sure what all he could contribute to the plot, so I'm looking for ideas.
What kind of ideas re: contribution? There's always something for any given character- it's just a reflection of their personalities.
The player base here is really into these games, I've noticed (I've played a few of them myself. I just have the classic problem of no follow through, but that doesn't mean I don't like them, I do!) So, I'm sure that he'd be received well, if anything.
Well, there's always setting up a branch of communications (if he's the guy for it.) A place that someone could go to for intelligence or just the if, ands, whos, whats, and wheres of PROM.
The city is lacking a place like that and I think if anyone sets something like that up it'd be utilized and there could be a lot of CR to gain from it and all involved in it.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not a hundred percent familiar with FF, so, my knowledge of the character is somewhat limited. ;___;
Kahlan AmnellertheuponertheFebruary 6 2011, 06:05:46 UTC
Your Name/Alias: Brittany Character Name: Kahlan Amnell Series: Legend of the Seeker
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: sure Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: yes What's inspired you to app them?: I'm being enabled. :P
Potential Concerns: Mostly just my question in the next section. Questions Regarding: Well, I can't remember if the FAQ said or not, but Kahlan has sort of magical powers (which are really complicated to explain without going into extreme detail atm, but basically she can touch someone and enslave them so that their only focus is her) and I was wondering would she have those powers here, since she's supposed to be trapped in her own mind?
Your Name/Alias:Brittany Character Name: Kurt Hummel Series: Glee
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: yes Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: oh yes, very much What's inspired you to app them?: I've been jonesing to try my hand at playing a Glee character and I thought, hey, you already have a Blaine, why not have a Kurt?
Potential Concerns: Problem is, I've never played Kurt before. I think I'd be okay getting his sassy attitude down, but I make no claim whatsoever to knowing anything about fashion. Which he is very much into. I have what I call "fashion fail". :\ Questions Regarding: Would Kurt be a character people would want to see here? I probably wouldn't app until I at least tried him out at dear_mun or something, but yeah.
Re: Kurt HummelpossemagnetFebruary 6 2011, 10:11:38 UTC
o/ Hello!
There's a fair few adolescent/teenage type characters here at Prom and I think Kurt could fit into the group very well. He's a social character, and what high school aged characters we do have would probably clique well with him.
As far as "fashion fail," is concerned. That's what google is for, like I said. I don't know everything about guns and cars but I'm pretty keen on studying up when it's relevant to Dean in a post.
ILPROM has a tag on D_M should you try him out there!
I really hope you end up apping him. The only way to get good at a character is to give them a shot, and you're pretty known for putting the effort in, so, I don't doubt for a second that you'd be great at him. ♥
Comments 113
Character Name: CHRIIIIIIIIS Redfield
Series: Resident Evil 5
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: Yes yes.
Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: He'd probably be up in people's business. He's a little intense.
What's inspired you to app them?: I love this game so hard. And getting smacked around by a guardian blows.
Potential Concerns: Well, he's kind of a big action guy and is more than a little dense. He won't be probable to meta, but he could get over-involved and in everyone's bidness.
Questions Regarding: Rocket launchers? :|
Secondly, if he ever wanted to visit the King and the Queen, you can actually ask us! Also he'd... probably want to smack Genero hard because he's kinda like Wesker. :x
But so far in-game, Ichigo's made a Fight club to see who can do what, and Tony Stark's gotten a group of people together to plot a whole resistance and such. There's a bunch of new things going on, and we're starting to do plots and events for the game soon, so! I hope this helps. 8)
Oh that Wesker. And his obvious undying love for Chris.
It does! Thank you very much! It'll help to have an action crew rather than Chris being the only ACTIONNN guy around.
Yeeeep. With the whole CHRIIIIIIIISSSS and whatnot. Obviously that love includes morphing into a tentacle monster of oblivion and PUNCHING BOULDERS IN A VOLCANO but hey, it works.
Great! Yeah, logs and action spam are a big thing here, even if it's just a normal post in the comm, haha! We look forward to having you! :>
Character Name: Eruka Frog
Series: Soul Eater
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: Yes?
Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: Probably. She likes people, and usually (in canon) winds up as someone's unwilling lackey.
What's inspired you to app them?: LOOKATHOWCUTESHEIS also derp+frog+mathematical magic+cute+explosions+lots of flailing+she says "croak"+lots more explosions+cute hat+loli=do want
these are the best reasons
Potential Concerns: She's a witch, which in her canon means she has an uncontrollable drive to cause chaos and destruction. This might not be good.
Questions Regarding: NANANANANA MATHFROG!
As far as mass destruction and ignoring the laws go- the king and his consulate won't be very happy about that. The last time someone blatantly ignored the rules (not wearing his mask) he was publicly tortured by Genero and it wasn't pretty. :|
But that's part of the fun, isn't it? The in character consequences.
Character Name: Rufus
Series: FF7
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: Definitely
Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: Yes
What's inspired you to app them?: I miss playing him.
Potential Concerns: Sane Turk casts - do they exist?
Questions Regarding: I'm not sure what all he could contribute to the plot, so I'm looking for ideas.
The player base here is really into these games, I've noticed (I've played a few of them myself. I just have the classic problem of no follow through, but that doesn't mean I don't like them, I do!) So, I'm sure that he'd be received well, if anything.
Even after playing here, I'm never sure with Rufus. xD; So yeah, that helps, at least.
The city is lacking a place like that and I think if anyone sets something like that up it'd be utilized and there could be a lot of CR to gain from it and all involved in it.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not a hundred percent familiar with FF, so, my knowledge of the character is somewhat limited. ;___;
Character Name: Kahlan Amnell
Series: Legend of the Seeker
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: sure
Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: yes
What's inspired you to app them?: I'm being enabled. :P
Potential Concerns: Mostly just my question in the next section.
Questions Regarding: Well, I can't remember if the FAQ said or not, but Kahlan has sort of magical powers (which are really complicated to explain without going into extreme detail atm, but basically she can touch someone and enslave them so that their only focus is her) and I was wondering would she have those powers here, since she's supposed to be trapped in her own mind?
However, if you're still unsure to how people and characters would react to this putting up a permissions post upon acceptance probably wouldn't hurt!
Character Name: Kurt Hummel
Series: Glee
Do they meet the rules and requirements?: yes
Do you think they'd be active and including of others in the city?: oh yes, very much
What's inspired you to app them?: I've been jonesing to try my hand at playing a Glee character and I thought, hey, you already have a Blaine, why not have a Kurt?
Potential Concerns: Problem is, I've never played Kurt before. I think I'd be okay getting his sassy attitude down, but I make no claim whatsoever to knowing anything about fashion. Which he is very much into. I have what I call "fashion fail". :\
Questions Regarding: Would Kurt be a character people would want to see here? I probably wouldn't app until I at least tried him out at dear_mun or something, but yeah.
There's a fair few adolescent/teenage type characters here at Prom and I think Kurt could fit into the group very well. He's a social character, and what high school aged characters we do have would probably clique well with him.
As far as "fashion fail," is concerned. That's what google is for, like I said. I don't know everything about guns and cars but I'm pretty keen on studying up when it's relevant to Dean in a post.
ILPROM has a tag on D_M should you try him out there!
I really hope you end up apping him. The only way to get good at a character is to give them a shot, and you're pretty known for putting the effort in, so, I don't doubt for a second that you'd be great at him. ♥
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