Oct 17, 2010 00:43
I finally finished Ico today. I feel sort of accomplished because I had pushed it (as well as many other things I enjoy) to the side due to real life stuff. At the same time, however, I'm sad, because well, this is Ico we're talking about. It's an incredibly beautiful game, so for those of you who have a PS2, go out and get it if you can. It not, well, I hear it's coming out on the PS3, so if you have one, you are in luck. If not, well... Buying the game is cheaper than buying a PS3. XD
I'm really looking forward to The Last Guardian. The trailers they have out now just show how stunning Trico looks (Trico is the name of the cat-bird griffin creature), and there are so many subtle details in the animations and the models and just UGH... It's gonna be a gorgeous game. And chances are the ending might also be a sad one like the other two games from Team Ico, and I will cry sad tears.
Speaking of games, though, I've made some progress in FFXI thanks to a good friend who's been really helpful. :3 There's no real time line for it, but I'm hoping to get to end-game at some point or another, and as a white mage, at that. I've been really uncomfortable with partying with other players as anything mage specific since I'm always thinking I'll go over the hate threshold or not cure someone at the right time, but now... Well, there's still that fear, but it's not as bad. I just need to get out there and do stuff.
Next game to tackle in my free time would probably be Persona 4. I'm somewhere in the fall in the game's calender, so I'm coming close to the end. I ended up dating Rise in my file, although I think next time I'll go with Chie or Yukiko. I don't want to choose Naoto because everyone and their mom chooses her.
video games