d_l app draft

Dec 14, 2007 13:42

There's a shimmering in the air and a scent of roses, and suddenly manifest in the entrance plaza is a woman of nearly impossible beauty. She is tall, perfectly formed, with cascades of red-gold hair.  She wears a Greek chiton of some translucent fabric, and around her waist is a jewelled belt of literally divine workmanship, with jewels on it that could ransom a planet.

She blinks and turns a few times, taking in her surroundings with brilliant blue eyes, which are one moment bright and youthful, and another full of shadows and mystery from the dawn of time. The effect of these eyes is somewhat dampened when a decidedly put-out expression crosses her lovely face and she pouts a little.

This is definitely not Olympus.

Mickey coughs theatrically. "'What is your name?'"

Well, isn't this a curiosity. She offers a calm, beneficient smile and replies, "Why darling, I am Aphrodite, known as Kytherea, Kallipygos, Morpho, Basilis ... shall I go on?"

"What is your quest?" asks the Cat. It's perched, suddenly, on the roof of one of the gate-stiles.

"Oh, aren't you lovely," she says, beaming at the cat. "Quest? I was simply on my way home to Olympus."

"'What is the average w..?'" Mickey frowns down at the notebook. "You know, I don't really see why that's important." He flips a page. "'If you could be granted three wishes, what would they be?'"

She's silent for a moment, and then she laughs and laughs and laughs. "Oh, darling, really. You ask this of me? I have everything I could possibly want. Well, apart from ridding the universe of my daughter-in-law, but that won't be happening as long as Zeus has anything to say about it."

"Or," the Cat says, examining its tail with interest, "if you were a genie and someone you were trying to give three wishes to was trying to trick you into giving him more, what would you say?"

At this, a slow, secret smile crosses her face, and for a moment there's a shadowy darkness in her expression. It's clear, very briefly, why some named her Androphonous, the killer of men.

She says nothing. Just smiles.

Mickey looks rather nonplused at the next, but reads, "'When the revolution comes, what skills will you be able to barter for food?'"

"What kind of a ridiculous question is that? I'm a goddess, for pity's sake." She doesn't actually do it, but her tone of voice suggests the petulant stamping of a foot.

The Cat rolls its eyes in a friendly (and rather disconcertingly out-of-sync) way, and asks, "Milk, dark, or white chocolate?"

"Oh, any of them, dear. They're all lovely."

"'Choose the two coolest: robots, pirates, fairies, bears, ninjas, monkeys, vampires, or humans,'" says Mickey, giggling a bit as he goes through the list. "'Explain.'"

A very lengthy pause as the goddess attempts to parse this question. "Oh, humans and bears, I suppose," she says, sounding fretful. "Honestly, are we quite finished here? I'd really like to be getting on my way."

"Great!" Mickey flips through the blank pages of the notebook at top, cartoon-y speed. "Well, I think that's just about it! Oh, and I'm supposed to ask, 'for your safety: are you carrying anything sharp?'"

"That's my son's job," she says, and perhaps there's a little bitterness in her tone. "Now, I think I'll be off, then."

((Ladies and gents, boys and girls, this is Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty and poor Psyche's mother-in-law. Psyche's mun has granted her permission, over the protests of Psyche herself, alas. And like Psyche, 'Dite's taken from where she left off at her last RPG.))

ooc, application

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