decipher reflections from reality [1/2]

Mar 20, 2014 17:08

title: decipher reflections from reality
pairing: baekhyun/kyungsoo (slight chanyeol/jongin & jongdae/yixing)
rating: nc-17
length: ~13,700 words
warnings: language
summary: movie buffs au. kyungsoo finds his importance in reflections. baekhyun finds his in reality.

notes: originally posted at sooheaven here for fatal_fangirl! this was initially published in past tense but i decided to change it to present tense because i think it makes more literary sense. thank you so much henqiguai, drankcontrast, poussieredetoi for being my betas, and loudestoflove for the encouragement!!

ao3 | aff

decipher reflections from reality



The first week of classes had been hectic; Kyungsoo was so preoccupied with the slew of homework that he didn't have time to work on his favourite assignment until the weekend was nearing its close. Convincing himself he'd been saving the best for last, he enters the cinema in high spirits, immediately welcoming the wave of air conditioning that washes over him.

In his highly anticipated film studies course, their first task is to watch a new foreign film and write a two-page paper analyzing its content, such as the cinematography, script, and direction. Then they would determine what was done successfully and what wasn't, and if the movie was memorable enough to include in future film studies courses. He would start the essay that night and hopefully complete it before his usual bedtime of 11pm.

Kyungsoo prefers going to the theater alone, but if asked, he wouldn't say it's because he doesn't have anyone to go with. Not that he's embarrassed by the fact, of course; Kyungsoo merely doesn't like being put in the spotlight. He'd probably just shrug and mutter something about it being "better that way."

Before, he would sometimes be accompanied by Junmyeon, who he'd always share the couple popcorn with (even though they weren't an actual couple: he supposed Junmyeon liked the convenience and intimacy of it), or the popcorn that included a small plastic toy for children (which Kyungsoo thought was ridiculously overpriced - even more so than the standard fare for movie theatre concessions - but the way his friend delighted in the trinket had him begrudgingly purchasing it anyway).

The political science student had transferred to a university in Busan at the beginning of the semester, and his best friend Jongin, whom Kyungsoo hasn't seen since he first began university, attends college hours away. The chili dogs he always sloppily ate during the films are not missed.

After his two companions had left him in Seoul, Kyungsoo had drawn in on himself further than ever before. He likes attending the movies alone, though. He is perfectly fine with having no one to bother him except for the mothers who insist on bringing their noisy children. His nervousness only shows in the uneasy drum of fingers on the countertops or the slight cough that itches at his throat, threatening to spill past his lips, and the way he flits around like a bird anxious to find shelter before a storm.

Besides, he isn't completely alone. He imagines he has his own special comrades accompanying him, ones that would never leave him: loyal hobbits and stubborn dwarves, courageous elves and cunning wizards that help guide him into Mordor without being targeted by Sauron. Together they had travelled through Middle Earth to reach their destination, fought monsters and overcame perilous obstacles. Going to the cinema with this scenario in mind becomes an otherworldly adventure, and he is able to complete his mission more easily.

He wanders through the atrium, his step light and his chin held a little higher than normal. It's a Sunday evening, so the theater isn't overly crowded; sparse groups of people gather by the concessions stand and the occasional couple drifts past, popcorn in hand and absorbed in each other's presence. He barely notices any of them, though, as he's engrossed in his fantasy.

However, his reverie is interrupted when a trill of laughter cuts through his ears like glass, and his eyes narrow into an accusatory glare in the direction of the culprit. Annoyance bubbles up within him like steadily growing flames licking at his patience, but he forces it down, willing himself to be calm. One of the elves, a tall fellow with long silvery hair, rests a hand on his shoulder to soothe him. It isn't worth it, becoming upset over a bout of obnoxious laughter. People will be people.

He sighs; and that's why he would no longer associate with them.

Kyungsoo evaluates the owner of the laughter critically. His back is facing Kyungsoo as he plays some mindless game to pass the time on one of the several large touchscreens decorating the walls. He jumps back momentarily and then leaps forward again, pushing buttons giddily. He has no one with him and his giggles are almost embarrassing, if Kyungsoo cared enough to pity him or pass a second glance.

Kyungsoo shrugs and continues on his way once the boy is drawn to another attraction: a screen that's able to take a photograph. He stops and lingers for a second, looking at him from his safe distance across the room as the boy strikes a flamboyant pose, jutting his hip out with his hand resting on it and his other held up in a peace sign. Kyungsoo's gaze flicks to the screen just before it stills, signifying the successful capture of the photo, and sees the brilliant flash of teeth molded into a wide, cheesy grin as his eyes squint into crescents.

What a strange character.

Forgetting about the boy that seems to be enjoying himself far too much, Kyungsoo goes to the self-service booth and picks out his movie and seat. He likes sitting in the middle, toward the back, though not too far away so he can't see the screen or hear the teenagers that lurk on the top row, propping their feet up on the seats in front of them and spilling popcorn like rainfall down on the lower rows.

Ticket in hand, he makes his way over to the concessions counter, scanning the colourful and bright electronic menu. He briefly thinks of Junmyeon when he sees the Disney toy on display if you bought the matching popcorn set. The chili dog reads "SOLD OUT" in bold letters next to its listing. Kyungsoo decides on the nachos because nachos are delicious, he reasons, and opens his mouth to order before an ahjussi speaks up beside him. He hadn't realized that he's next in line.

"Ah, sorry," he mumbles, stepping aside somewhat to give the man room. His fingers twitch and curl at his side, suddenly feeling very jittery. He has made a mistake. The man hadn't been rude about it. It's okay. He just hadn't been paying attention.

It's finally his turn to order, and so he does, asking for the nachos and getting a rather meager tray of round corn chips in return. He hesitates for a second, pondering what to get for a drink.

"A Sprite." He nods in affirmation, gathering both up in his hands once they're ready.

Kyungsoo has always been the kind of person who arrives at the movies early so he can get properly situated. He likes watching the previews for the new movies, too, and becomes easily irritated by those who walk into the theater just as the movie's starting, stumbling around in the darkness and hissing complaints at each other. Now with ten minutes left to spare, he gravitates toward the correct theater, number thirteen. He holds his nachos in one hand and balances the cup of Sprite, which is hanging precariously from his lips, in the other.

There it is again: that stupid laugh. His pricked ears pick up a loud "All right, thank you!" not far behind him and he turns his head to see the boy from earlier leaving the ticket checker. This time Kyungsoo recognizes him as one of his classmates and is immediately filled with dread. Film studies. He's probably here for their assignment, and judging by what little he knows about him, he had probably decided to do it last minute.

This kid, whose name he can't recall (doesn't care to, either), had tried to fill the entire first day with his chatter. The professor, an older man, had asked them what their favourite movie was. Kyungsoo had said Casablanca. The talkative student had said Troll 2.

Kyungsoo remembers going home with a headache.

He quickens his pace, desperately not wanting to be spotted. A confrontation is the last thing he needs.

He's nearly at his destination when he feels a slap on his back.

"Heyyyyy! Kyungsoo, right?"

Kyungsoo sputters and hunches over, quickly gripping the base of his drink so he doesn't spit it out. If that was supposed to be a jovial pat on the back signifying familiarity, it sure hadn't felt like it.

"Um," he manages after a moment, blinking. He really, really doesn't want to be talking to this jokester right now. "Yes."

"I'm Byun Baekhyun! You're in my film studies class!"

"I know," he replies weakly. Byun Baekhyun grins even wider in response.

"Great! You must be here for the assignment, right? Nearly 12,000 won for a movie these days! Can you believe it?! What kind of prof would make us spend our hard-earned money on homework? We're poor college kids! I'm all for watching movies, but for like 1,000 won, you know? Or in class. Movie days are always fun."

Kyungsoo concludes that he wanted Byun Baekhyun to stop talking long ago. Like, before he ever met him.

"You're gonna watch Now You See Me too, right? Let's watch it together!"

"Yes…" Kyungsoo squeaks, gaze falling to Baekhyun's arms, which are full of an overflowing tub of popcorn, a gigantic pickle, and a large Cola. All though he had complained about movies being over-priced, he had sure blown a lot of money on his abundant snack purchases.

"Awesome! Where's your seat?" He peers over his shoulder, looking at his ticket stub. "Oh, good, we're close!"

Kyungsoo decides almost immediately that he doesn't like Baekhyun. He doesn't really like anyone, but he really, really doesn't like Baekhyun.

Inside the theater, Baekhyun shamelessly takes the seat next to him. There aren't many people there yet, and Kyungsoo wonders vaguely if he has stolen someone's spot. He doesn't care much about the person whose seat has just been taken by one Byun Baekhyun; he just cares about how he is the unfortunate soul who has to suffer through sitting by him.

His classmate stuffs his oversized soda into Kyungsoo's drink holder and shifts in his seat, spilling a good amount of popcorn everywhere. Popcorn rains down on Kyungsoo's lap, mixing in with his nachos. He stares down at them in silent dismay.

"Shoot, sorry," Baekhyun apologizes, not bothering to keep his voice down. The lights would begin to dim in five minutes.

Kyungsoo says nothing, fixated on daintily picking the invasive snack out of his chips. When he looks up, lacking anything to do but sit and wait there awkwardly with Baekhyun's arm too close to him on the armrest, he sees that Baekhyun had begun to eat his pickle. Eat isn't exactly the word, however: Kyungsoo watches, mortified, as he licks the moisture that has collected on its textured skin and then slowly sucks the pickle into his mouth. Baekhyun has a big mouth, he notes, and his shiny lips are stretched wide around the pickle's girth before he pulls it out with a loud pop! Kyungsoo blinks, completely mystified.

Baekhyun bites the tip of the pickled vegetable and slides it back inside his mouth half-way, sucking the insides and the juices out of it noisily and obscenely. It's entirely distracting and pretty disgusting and Kyungsoo stares with wide eyes, mesmerized. The other boy glances in his direction and removes the mangled, shriveled pickle long enough to flash him an impish grin. Kyungsoo, alarmed, shakes his head lightly as if to clear it.

He knew Byun Baekhyun was trouble when he first saw him.

Saving him from further embarrassment, the movie starts at approximately the right time, beginning with the tide of previews. Kyungsoo could still see Baekhyun in the glow of the massive screen, albeit with some difficulty, and his restless movements beside him are always in the periphery of his vision. The boy who had proudly introduced himself as a Radio, Television and Film major in class comments on every single preview after they're done, leaning over and chattering in Kyungsoo's ear. His breath smells like dill and vinegar. Kyungsoo hopes he'll shut up before the movie starts, at least.

But no such luck; Baekhyun is an enthusiastic commentator. The vocal college student laughed obnoxiously at all the wrong parts, his laughter echoing throughout the entire theater and ringing painfully in Kyungsoo's right ear. People turned around and glared more than once, but he didn't seem to notice. At one point, Baekhyun had "accidentally" slapped Kyungsoo's knee in a fit of laughter instead of his own, causing Kyungsoo to nearly jump from his seat. He chewed his popcorn with his mouth partially open and even had the audacity to reach over and grab one of Kyungsoo's precious nachos, taking a generous scoop of processed cheese sauce with him, of which he had a limited amount. Junmyeon and Jongin had known better than to touch his nachos. Kyungsoo almost misses their company, but finds himself desperately wishing he was alone right now.

After the movie is over, Kyungsoo feels mentally and emotionally exhausted, and it isn't because of any potentially draining plot elements. Baekhyun has no sense of personal space and had invaded his countless times before and during the film. He didn't enjoy the movie at all because Baekhyun had nothing short of ruined it for him. Kyungsoo likes watching movies in English and tries not to rely on subtitles too much, using what he knows from school and utilizing context clues to further his knowledge of the language, but he hadn't been able to concentrate with Baekhyun there. He feels that the translations are never completely accurate, and the original dialogue loses its essence once simplified into Korean, but they're still necessary to understand the movie better. Kyungsoo imagines his grasp on what the movie had been about isn't as strong as he wanted, thanks to Baekhyun.

With another startling blow to his back in parting, the smiling boy bids him goodbye.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow, Kyungsoo!"

Class. He groans inwardly. He isn't looking forward to seeing Baekhyun again tomorrow and his paper still needed to be written. At the moment, all he wants to do is sleep.

He decides that he really, really, really doesn't like Baekhyun.


The next day, Kyungsoo doesn't like Baekhyun any better.

After class he had practically invited himself over to Kyungsoo's modest one-bedroom apartment, ignoring his sputtered protests. Every flustered excuse fell deaf on Baekhyun's ears. Kyungsoo wonders if he actually has a hearing problem or that he just hadn't made himself clear enough. Most likely, Baekhyun simply doesn't care. Reluctantly, Kyungsoo gave him his address and is expecting him in less than twenty minutes.

He scurries around the house, dusting off the TV - a very nice, very expensive 60 inch flat screen that he'd spent a year of working menial jobs to save up for - and straightening his extensive collection of DVDs and Blu-rays. He lays out several of his favourites on the coffee table - all the classics he's certain Baekhyun hasn't had the pleasure of viewing yet - and sits down on his couch, feet tapping on the floor with anticipation. Almost immediately, he stands up again and busies himself with some other unnecessary task. He doesn't know why he's so fidgety, but he supposes it's because he's working himself up, dreading spending more time with his classmate. This time especially, since they would be alone together.

Kyungsoo's fingers twitch agitatedly. He doesn't know how he'll make it through the evening. Suddenly, the all-too familiar feeling of being suffocated creeps up on him, an invisible pressure clawing at his throat and cutting off his windpipe. Choking, he scrambles for his inhaler, which is on the stand beside the couch. He brings it to his lips and presses down on the trigger, eyes fluttering closed as blessed relief floods his lungs.

Kyungsoo has never been good at strenuous physical activity, so he tries to avoid it as much as possible (besides the occasional weight-lifting, because he swears his shoulders will fill out someday). Oftentimes he only has to use his inhaler when he panics. His mother thinks it's all psychological. He'd like to ask her how she would be able to deal with the horrible feeling of being strangled on a regular basis.

He can do this. Bilbo Baggins was only a reclusive hobbit and he had managed to emerge from the dragon's lair unscathed. Baekhyun is no Smaug: he's just a bothersome college student Kyungsoo has the misfortune of being acquainted with.

Sometimes, though, he wishes he possessed an enchanted ring that he could slip on his finger whenever he wants to disappear.

Baekhyun's knocking is just as boisterous as his voice. Kyungsoo can hear him talking through the door, probably calling for him, but to him it's only an unintelligible jumble of noise. He lets his hand rest on the doorknob, hesitating, before swinging it open. The boy dons a snapback with the brim twisted around to the back, a bright blue hoodie and too-tight jeans. Without ceasing his endless babbling, he brushes past Kyungsoo (who's nearly jostled aside to let him through) and plops down on his couch unceremoniously.

"Your place is really tiny," Baekhyun observes when Kyungsoo finally begins to tune into his animated chatter.

"I live alone."

"Oh, it must get really lonely, then," he comments, eyes wandering everywhere except to Kyungsoo. The film studies major feels a rising sense of self-consciousness, hoping he'll refrain from make anymore careless remarks about his humble abode. In his short and tumultuous time of knowing Baekhyun, there are probably more to come. He's mildly surprised when he doesn't address any other problems.

"I like it." He does. He doesn't get lonely. Not really.

Baekhyun hums, as though he's mulling over his answer, but for once chooses to say nothing in reply. That is, until he brings up his roommate.

"I live with my friend. His name is Jongdae. He's pretty funny but he usually brings girls over and they're really loud-"

Kyungsoo cuts him off before he can go into detail about his roommate's sex life. He's baffled by Baekhyun's lack of tact. Even with his shortage of social cues, Kyungsoo knows better than to mention such things. Baekhyun is like the comic relief character in a movie that no one takes seriously because of the outrageous things he says.

"Would you like anything to drink?" His mind searches for something to keep Baekhyun's mouth occupied besides the words that tumble from them. "Tea?"

"I don't like tea. Do you like coffee? I'm going to take you to this coffee shop over by campus, it's my favourite," Baekhyun rambles breezily, like he's been planning it since they'd met. For all Kyungsoo knows, he could have just come up with the idea on the spot.

"Um. Why?" Kyungsoo blinks. People never ask to take him places, let alone act as though he's already agreed to their offer. Kyungsoo wonders if Baekhyun even has it in him to ask for other people's consent first.

"Because I want to." Much like when he'd invited himself over to Kyungsoo's apartment, Baekhyun isn't going to take no for an answer. The light-haired boy reclines against the cushions, draping his arms over the top of the couch. His gaze flicks around the narrow room again. "From what I've seen so far, you seem kind of closed-off. Maybe getting some fresh air will be good for you?"

"You don't have to do that."

Baekhyun waves him off like he's a godsend to Kyungsoo: like he shouldn't feel burdened by his excessive kindness, and that he's doing it out of the goodness of his heart, helping him fix a problem Kyungsoo doesn't think he has. He holds back a derisive snort.

"Do you have soda?"

Kyungsoo only has Vitaminwater. Setting a bottle down carefully on the table next to the couch, he uses a coaster so his furniture doesn't get ruined. He's attentive to things like that. Baekhyun apparently is not, because after chugging down half the beverage, he neglects to put it back on the coaster. Kyungsoo shifts uncomfortably, still standing off to the side and eyeing Baekhyun warily.

Baekhyun gets up off the sofa and walks over to one of the shelf organizer towers beside his television, which displays rows upon rows of movies. He bends over with his hands drumming on his knees, rocking back and forth on his heels as he examines the titles.

After a thorough inspection, he pulls back and straightens to his full height, frowning slightly. He blows air from between his lips in a discouraged sigh.

"You aren't a big fan of comedy, are you?"

"I have Fargo," he responds plainly.

"That movie was weird."

Kyungsoo purses his lips.

"Where's the good stuff? Like Zoolander, Dumb and Dumber, Anchorman, Superbad, Dodgeball . . . Y'know, all the interesting movies?"

The shorter boy stares at him blankly. "I don't own any of those," he says a little coldly.

"But have you seen them at least?" Baekhyun falls back on the couch, carding through the movies laid out on the table.

"I haven't."

The RTVF major squints up at him. Then he slowly shakes his head, returning his attention to the viewing options before him. Kyungsoo sits down on the couch, introducing each film and pronouncing the titles in nearly flawless, unaccented English. He has always done well in his English classes, impressing his teachers with his deliberate enunciation. Baekhyun, however, seems unimpressed. Kyungsoo quickly learns that it's because of the movie choices rather than his diction.

"Are they all in black and white?"

Kyungsoo stalls, fingers gripping his own knees, which are pressed firmly together as he tries to take up as little room as possible. He's particularly skilled at shrinking down to an even smaller size despite his already petite stature. "Most of them, but some of them aren't."

"Movies in black and white are so lame though? I don't know how you can even watch them." Baekhyun's lips twitch into a frown - almost a pout - as he folds his arms across his chest.

"The lack of colour shouldn't matter. They're all still great films."

The movies had been painstakingly selected to enlighten his decidedly uncultured companion, including several classics and critically-acclaimed films such as Schindler's List, Rear Window, The Godfather, Casablanca, and The Shawshank Redemption. He'd put a personal favourite, The Lord of the Rings, off to the side, in case the original movies are too heavy in content for Baekhyun. He feels that every person should watch these flicks early on in their life, and so far it appears that the aspiring talk show host has been deprived of that opportunity.

Begrudgingly, Baekhyun points to the Hitchcock masterpiece and Kyungsoo obediently puts it in the DVD player, settling back into his spot beside the taller boy once the main menu appears. He watches the screen intently; no matter how many times he's seen it before, it's still one of his favourites. Just fifteen minutes into the movie, though, Baekhyun heaves an incredibly loud and very impolite sigh, sinking further into the couch's cushions as he drapes his arm across the back of the couch.

Kyungsoo leans forward slightly, very aware of Baekhyun's hand dangling near his neck, fingertips threatening to brush against his skin. Five minutes pass and Kyungsoo eventually relaxes, no longer tense, and once again becomes absorbed in the plot. Five more minutes and he feels Baekhyun's slender fingers tapping on his skin and crawling up the space between his neck and shoulder. He jerks away instantly, feeling an involuntary tremble jolt down his spine, and glances at the boy beside him. Baekhyun looks at him, raising a brow at his reaction.

"Are you okay?"

He'd withdrawn his wandering fingers and watches him with idle expectation. It's clear that he had no ill or salacious intentions and that he'd just been bored. Kyungsoo swallows hard and shakes his head, but then realizes it was the wrong response and quickly bobs his head in a nod.

"I'm fine."

"Okay," Baekhyun says only somewhat suspiciously, his attention rebounding to the TV. Kyungsoo makes sure to create a little more room between them to avoid another confrontation. He isn't used to being touched.

Baekhyun falls asleep half-way through the movie, his soft snores alerting Kyungsoo. He tries calling his name, first quietly, and then loudly. It works initially, but rousing him a second time is more difficult. He nudges him in the ribs with his elbow, silently marveling at how warm he is, and succeeds in finally stirring him from his slumber. His eyes are still lidded and begin drooping further after a few more minutes of his sleep-induced stupor. Kyungsoo gives up the third time he drifts off.

He wakes up two minutes before the end of the film and leaves with a promise of coffee later that Friday.

Kyungsoo is at least looking forward to the few days' reprieve.


"What do you want?"

Kyungsoo scans the menu of the small coffee shop and mutters something about a vanilla latte.

"Two vanilla lattes, please! Large!"

Before Kyungsoo can reach for his wallet, Baekhyun leads him to a corner in the back of the store, claiming two plush burgundy armchairs. Baekhyun leaves him to seat himself as the barista calls out their order, returning with two giant mugs of steaming coffee.

"I could have paid for it, you know," he mumbles, slumping in his chair as he accepts defeat. He cradles the latte in his hands, breathing in. The aroma of vanilla wafts from it, warm and inviting. That combined with the incredibly comfortable chair instantly calms him. He takes a sip, mindful not to burn his tongue.

"No way! It's no problem." Baekhyun flashes him a beaming smile, showing his blinding white teeth. Kyungsoo notices how sharp his canines look, almost throwing off his charming aura, and he has to look away. His gaze averts to the window, watching the people walking by in a rush. Everything feels slower here, like they have more spare time to spend. The gentle murmur of voices and the sound of coffee beans being grounded are more soothing than jarring.

"I really like it here," Baekhyun says, following Kyungsoo's gaze. Kyungsoo's eyes move back to Baekhyun, regarding his angular profile and placid expression. "I come here sometimes to relax when school or life gets too busy, you know. It's nice to just take a break."

"It is," he agrees quietly, wondering what Baekhyun is like when he's stressed. He doesn't strike him as the type to get easily frustrated.

"What do you do, Kyungsoo? What do you like to do when you have free time?" He leans in closer and Kyungsoo stops himself from instinctively leaning back. "Watch boring old movies?" His voice is teasing, the skin at the corners of his eyes crinkling.

Kyungsoo mulls it over. "I read about movies."

Baekhyun exhales rapidly through his nose, not quite a snort. "What else?"

"I write about movies?"

"And let me guess: when you aren't doing those things, you're thinking about movies?"

He is correct. Kyungsoo sits in silence, thinking this is the time he's supposed to start feeling awkward. He doesn't. He likes all of those things and doesn't feel any guilt from them. He avidly reads film reviews online and even writes his own. His dream is to become a film critic, maybe a screenwriter - maybe even a director, one day.

"Is your life a movie, Kyungsoo?"

No, but he imagines he lives in the worlds the movies create.

And he is perfectly content with that.


After much badgering, Kyungsoo ends up in Baekhyun's shared apartment that weekend, forced to watch one of Baekhyun's favourite movies "as a fair trade." Baekhyun's apartment fits the mold of a typical young male college student's dwelling place: unorganized and littered with unwashed clothing, textbooks, and other miscellaneous debris. Kyungsoo moves with caution, tip-toeing his way to the sofa in the apartment's living room. Baekhyun shoves aside a heap of god-knows-what that previously occupied his spot on the couch and Kyungsoo sits down like he would on a public toilet.

"Jongdae's out so we can be as loud as we want!"

Excellent, Kyungsoo thinks dryly. It isn't like Baekhyun needs more reasons to be louder than usual.

Baekhyun places three DVDs on the table. Kyungsoo squints at them worriedly.

"Do I get to choose?" He asks.

"No, it's a series. We're watching Jackass."

"Jackass?" Kyungsoo echoes, deliberately enunciating the two syllables slowly.

Watching Jackass has to be Baekhyun's idea of torture, Kyungsoo reasons. He's seeking revenge for making him watch a movie he'd fallen asleep to, even though he'd been the one who had picked it out. In that case, Kyungsoo assumes he's paying Baekhyun back for buying him coffee as well. The dark-haired boy has no idea why anyone would put together a concoction of stupidity and grotesque stunts like this and decide to film it (he had been shocked to find out they had been shown in theaters), and why anyone would watch it - let alone enjoy watching it.

By the end of the first installment, he thinks that maybe he hates Johnny Knoxville and his gang of deranged lunatics more than he hates Byun Baekhyun. Then again, Baekhyun is the one who had subjected him to this torment.

Before Kyungsoo can stop him, Baekhyun is jumping up from his seat and excitedly popping in the next disc. Kyungsoo feels his stomach (which had been churning uncomfortably throughout the film) sink with dread. He swallows his complaints and remains seated, frowning at the screen with wide eyes while Baekhyun laughs uproariously beside him.

Kyungsoo doesn't make it through Jackass 3D: The Uncut Version. His hand flies to his mouth before he stands up abruptly, darting to the bathroom to seek solace. The condition of the bathroom doesn't help hold him over any and he vomits into the toilet bowl that's in desperate need of cleaning. He involuntarily sinks to his knees, figuring he'll be there for a while, and feels a hand rubbing comforting circles into his back as he delicately clings to the very unsanitary rim of the toilet bowl.

"Sorry, buddy," he hears Baekhyun saying over the sound of his retching, "that one was a little intense. I thought you could make it."

It's very fitting that Baekhyun likes those movies, because Baekhyun is a jackass.

Kyungsoo considers calling him one of the various expletives the Jackass crew are fond of saying but is overcome with another wave of nausea, causing him to choke on his words.

"What kind of nickname is Steve-O anyway," he croaks out when he can manage speech, resting his cheek on the cool porcelain of the toilet seat.

Baekhyun laughs softly and pats him on the back, gently this time. "Let me get you something to drink-"

Interrupting him, the front door slams shut and the muffled sound of something being rammed into the wall fills the open bathroom, followed by gasping breaths and other sounds that aren't very hard to distinguish. Kyungsoo freezes.

"Oh, Jongdae must be back."

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo turn their heads to see two bodies tangled around each other stumbling into view. They appear not to notice them, too busy furiously making out with one another. Kyungsoo looks on in shock.

The figure whose back is facing them presses a smaller boy against the wall, lifting him up while legs wrap around his waist. He kisses down his neck as Jongdae's melodious moans pour from his mouth.

Baekhyun frowns.

"That isn't a girl."

The main aggressor turns his head slightly so they could see his profile as he bites down on Jongdae's shoulder.

"Hey, that's Yixing!"

Kyungsoo returns his attention to the toilet bowl, gagging. Watching Baekhyun's roommate passionately make out with someone tops off the list of things he hadn't needed to see today.


After a week of incessant nagging (Kyungsoo is still traumatized by the Jackass fiasco), Kyungsoo finally gives in. Baekhyun is taking him to the aquarium.

It has always been difficult for him to refuse Baekhyun's efforts. In the end, the persistent aspiring talk show host always wins. He guesses it has something to do with his natural-born persuasion skills.

"It's like watching a movie - like a nature documentary or something - only in real life!" Baekhyun wriggles his hips through the turnstile after buying his ticket. Kyungsoo slides through with a little more grace and apprehension. "Like a live action Finding Nemo!"

"Great," Kyungsoo says, unimpressed. He doesn't know what to expect because he isn't a fan of nature documentaries (is Baekhyun, even?) and he's never seen the Pixar-Disney collaboration.

When Kyungsoo thinks of the sea, he imagines thousands of miles of the dark unknown, with depths even more terrifying and uncertain. He thinks of primal creatures and sludge, weeds that can drag you down to ghastly sunken ships and jagged pitch-black valleys. Andy Dufresne romanticizes the ocean in The Shawshank Redemption, claiming it's a warm place with no memory. Kyungsoo has never seen the Pacific but he has to disagree.

They pass by a few small tanks integrated in the wall holding several colourful little fish, but nothing larger than what a person would have in their house. Baekhyun runs over to one of the displays, putting his face up to the glass. Kyungsoo tries not to roll his eyes.

"They're just fish," he says.

"Look at this one!" Baekhyun points to a fish whose mouth resembles a suction cup, fastened to the glass. Baekhyun turns around and mimics its expression, managing to look both ridiculous and embarrassing at the same time, a feat that isn't difficult to achieve for the RTVF major. Kyungsoo brings the back of his hand up to his mouth, hiding a giggle despite himself. Baekhyun notices, however, and his face breaks out into a wide grin. His step is lighter as he moves onto the next hallway. Kyungsoo trails after him, a little more curious than before.

This room is dimly-lit with black lights backing each tank, giving off a soft neon glow. Baekhyun goes ahead of him with an enamored "oooh," peering into the first tank. Clusters of tiny, puffy jellyfish float around the blue water, pale and ethereal. Kyungsoo comes up beside him and leans in closer, studying the gossamer creatures. He imagines if he touches them, they'd deflate. They are nothing more than water and air, like tiny clouds. The next tank contains more of the luminous alien creatures, these with thread-like tentacles and ornate frills. The dangling, gently swaying strings look as delicate as spider-webs catching in the sunlight. Their purple-tinted hoods expand and contract like lungs as they bob in different directions.

The following chamber is massive, on a much larger scale than the previous ones. The opposing wall is almost completely made up of glass, looking not unlike a movie theater screen. As Kyungsoo walks closer to the towering display he becomes mesmerized by its vastness. Dark shapes swim behind the cerulean glass and he realizes they're fish: hundreds of them, an array of sizes ranging from medium to large. The entire room is bathed in an ultramarine phosphorescence, reflections projecting rippling waves on the walls. He stands in awe in front of the tank, captivated by the sight. A sunfish drifts by lazily as sleek-bodied sharks swiftly cut through the water, steered by their long tails. He suddenly feels dwarfed by all that the tank holds: the fish that swim past in varying degrees of speeds, an entire ecosystem living behind the glass.

He doesn't know how long he stands there - maybe he had moved a bit, his feet carrying his body without him being conscious of it - but he notices Baekhyun out of the corner of his eye, hanging back and watching him. The boy smiles at him from across the room before turning away. He walks on to the next area as if in a dream, still marveling over the view.

The last section of the aquarium is devoted to tide pools, large low-rise tanks sprawled across the floor. People are able to stick their hands in the water and explore what each fabricated tide pool holds. Baekhyun, of course, takes the initiative and goes right up to the pools, palms flat on top of the boulders lining the edge of the tank. He dips his fingers in experimentally before pulling them out and flicking the moisture off. In two brisk movements he shoves his shirt sleeve up past his elbow and plunges nearly his entire arm into the water. Kyungsoo looks on with nothing short of amazement, but after shaking his head he figures he shouldn't be surprised by Baekhyun's reckless actions.

"Kyungsoo! Come play in the tide pool with me! Hehe."

The dark-haired boy steps up to the pool tentatively, gazing into the transparent water. Despite its clearness, he wonders how contaminated it can possibly be, where living creatures eat and secrete waste in.

"Come on! Don't be a baby," Baekhyun taunts, threatening to splash water in his direction.

Kyungsoo begrudgingly pokes the water with his fingertip, barely breaching the surface. He withdraws it quickly. The water is frigid; it doesn't feel right.

"Do it or I'll push you in," Baekhyun warns, but his voice is warm and playful. Kyungsoo sighs and submerges all five of his fingers. A dark, flat shape darts by underneath them and he pulls them out again, feeling a jolt of fear.

"A stingray? Aren't those poisonous?"

"I don't think these ones have stingers," Baekhyun replies nonchalantly. "Or they're too small. Just don't touch their tails."

Kyungsoo snorts. How can he sound so calm in the face of danger? Of course, the aquarium probably wouldn't put anything that could harm them in the pools.

Baekhyun has cornered a resting bat ray, stroking down its back. He giggles and makes a face.

"It's slimy," he complains, wiping his hand off on Kyungsoo's sleeve. Kyungsoo's eyes grow twice their normal size as Baekhyun cackles, dancing away to avoid getting hit. After overcoming his initial shock and disgust and making sure his shirt is still in acceptable condition, he lifts his balled fist and stalks toward the taller boy, his face set in determination. Baekhyun cowers, tittering with nervous laughter as he holds up his arms as a makeshift shield.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Kyungsoo backs down, rapping his knuckles on the light-haired boy's head in passing. He returns to the edge of the pool as Baekhyun wanders elsewhere (probably far away from Kyungsoo) and timidly reaches in to pet the motionless ray. The glide of his palm down its spine is smooth. It feels like velvet.

Baekhyun waddles up to him moments after he withdraws his arm, holding out a limp orange starfish.

"I brought you a star," Baekhyun says with a slight pout to his lower lip. His expression brightens when he speaks again, however. "Because you're a star!"

Kyungsoo glances at one of the signs near the pools.

"You aren't supposed to take anything out of the tank," he tells him.

"My dad and I used to go fishing when I was younger. It can stay out of water for a few minutes," he reasons.

"Put it back."

"Okay," Baekhyun says, slinking off dejectedly.

He returns a minute later with a magenta-coloured spiked ball in his cupped hands. "I was wrong. You aren't a star, you're just a spiny sea urchin," he says.

Kyungsoo eyes him critically. "How can you even hold that?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Baekhyun has nothing else to show him. He idly runs his fingers through the slightly sticky tentacles of a sea anemone, jumping to attention when Kyungsoo decides it's time to leave.

They have seafood that night and Baekhyun says it's in bad taste. Kyungsoo ignores his comments, thinking of how he'd caught Baekhyun looking at him earlier in the aquarium. He stabs his jjampong with his metal chopsticks, impaling a piece of squid, and jabs Baekhyun's hand with them when he tries to steal some shrimp out of his bowl. Kyungsoo advises him to eat his mackerel.


Slowly, Baekhyun draws Kyungsoo out of his shell and out of his apartment, coaxing him with promises of "It'll be fun!" and "It'll be good for you!" He ends up being dragged to various locations and attractions by his over-eager guide, resentfully finding some enjoyment in their outings. It always helps that he usually gets a free meal out of them.

He and Baekhyun go to the planetarium next. Baekhyun has a peculiar interest in stars and outer space, and he's visited the planetarium a few times his with his astronomy class. "It was kind of boring at first but then we went here and I was like, wow! This is some pretty cool shit!" Baekhyun rambles on about the physics of the universe and all the fascinating things he'd learned in class, and Kyungsoo can't help but feel intimidated by what he's describing as he enters the dome-shaped auditorium. The universe is even more vast and unknown than the ocean.

"Do you know how many stars there are out there? It's an unfathomable number. Astronomers have no clue how big the universe even is. It may be endless."

Kyungsoo squirms in his seat uncomfortably, unwilling to dwell on the idea for too long. The seats are rather quality: padded and easily reclinable and not unlike the chairs in a cinema. But since this is a sky theater and it's required that they look up at the ceiling, they're able to recline almost all the way back to ensure that no necks will be strained while artificial stargazing. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo lean back in their chairs simultaneously with a smattering of other viewers in the rotunda, shifting in their seats to get comfortable. The show lasts for over an hour.

Kyungsoo's eyes adjust to the pitch-black darkness slowly as an almost haunting ambience starts up and drifts into his ears. It is an ethereal melody that mostly incorporates harps, which reminds him of the twinkling of stars, somehow: if they emitted a sound that could be woven into music. It's ultimately relaxing and sweeps over him in soothing waves. Looking up at the rounded ceiling, a pinpoint of light glimmers in the center of the screen, growing brighter and brighter. More and more incandescent pinpricks of light gradually appear until a panorama of the celestial heavens is projected onto the curvature of the ceiling.

The narrative is one of those disembodied voices that could belong to a god, calming yet powerful, but unfortunately instilling sleepiness into those who listen and casting them into a dream-like state. All though initially captivated by the prismatic display, the two boys are lulled into a slumber that lasts past the end of the program. Most nights they'd stayed up much too late watching movies together and foregoing sleep, hence their drowsiness. Last night they had marathoned the original Star Wars trilogy, sparking Baekhyun's idea of visiting the planetarium.

One of the employees in charge of cleaning the theater takes notice and tells them to leave. Kyungsoo is first to stir, feeling a weight on his shoulder and something soft against his cheek. The faint smell of strawberries reaches him and he glances down at a mess of pale hair. Baekhyun had fallen asleep on his shoulder, and in his sleep, Kyungsoo had gravitated towards him and rested his head on top of Baekhyun's.

He pulls away, shaking the other awake. Baekhyun is slow to wake as he groggily looks up at him with glossy eyes. The corner of his lips is shiny from where he'd started to drool. He licks them hastily, blinking up at Kyungsoo.

"Hmmm? 'Soo?"

Kyungsoo's breath catches in his throat. He's never paid this much attention to what Baekhyun is like when he wakes up. His voice fluctuates between being slightly raspy and thick with sleep. The shorter boy stands up abruptly.

"It's time to leave."

Baekhyun recovers and follows him out of the theater, praising the star show they hadn't even managed to get through part-way. Kyungsoo hums quietly in acknowledgement, the scent of Baekhyun's shampoo still clinging to his skin.



ship: baekhyun/kyungsoo, genre: fluff, character: baekhyun, rating: nc-17, genre: romance, baeksoo, length: longfic, verse: au, !fanfic, character: kyungsoo, group: exo, length: oneshot

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