Feb 20, 2008 11:03
Actually, there really isn't too much from Hollywood. It just feels like it. I'm sitting here at work, trying very hard not to do the homework I so desperately need to finish- or in some cases start. In order to accomplish this task, I've decided to read the newspaper, where I discovered a few things.
1.) The movie being filmed at Green Hall yesterday and today ("The Clique") is actually going straight to DVD. Oh well, I guess I'll have to rent it to see my university as a high school. Evidently they're changing backgrounds to get rid of the modern-looking Morrill, Fogarty, and Independence. How funny that would be to see things like Ranger, Quinn, and Washburn in the wrong parts of campus...
2.) Blu-Ray won the battle. Toshiba announced that it will stop making HD DVD players, leaving the Blu-Ray to be the only producer of high-definition DVD players. Sales will most likely drop on those players, since prices won't fall so much. This will give time for other groups to come up with competition. Like most consumers, I will continue to use my regular DVD player. There's no need to upgrade.
3.) NJ Governor Jon Corzine declared our state's civil unions make gays second-class citizens. He plans on legalizing gay marriage after the 2008 presidential elections.
4.) Although it doesn't truly affect me (when was the last time I watched it?), Saturday Night Live is coming back after a 16-week hiatus (due to the writer's strike). It's first episode to air will be hosted by Tina Fey and the musical guest is going to be Carrie Underwood. I think I might watch to commemorate their return to television.
5.) Finally, oil closed over $100 a barrel for the first time ever. It closed at $100.01, thus guaranteeing a price of $3.75 at the spring peak, Memorial Day weekend. Fun.
I know this isn't really a real post, so eventually I will give you a real update on my life. It's really not THAT entertaining, but I'll try to make it sound good.