Furious Angels

Mar 11, 2004 16:38

Today is the day of Snoopy, so if I post an incomplete thought, it's because I'm leaving. :P

I also would like to state before I proceed, that if you are reading this journal, I probally know you, and I may say something flattering about you, conversely, I could say something very UNflattering about you. I choose not to censor my thoughts here, and I won't censor your comments to my thoughts. But bear in mind, what you're reading is raw and uncensored so viewer discretion is advised. *Laughs* I've always wanted to say that.

Today has been an interesting date. When I reached my new version, I seriously feel way different. Less attached to everything, but not in a bad way. And I'm still very happy inwardly. Today I actually woke up at the time I set my alarm clock. 4:00, instead of waking, looking at it, groaning and going back to sleep. Stuck to my workout, and then took a nice cold shower. Not one of my intense showers, just a normal shower. It felt good. But I skipped breakfast. Damn MTV morning music video's being so sexy and tempting that I watch them after meditation till it's time to leave.

I get on the bus, and I had a very interesting conversation with Cameron, and we came up with the greatest game card idea....EVER! The Holy War trading card game. You've heard of Yugi'Oh, you've heard of Pokemon, well here comes Holy War, the game where you wage your religious diety against others. Some popular quotes from playing will probally be...
"Holy crap, he's pulled his Jesus card! I'm screwed....Wait I'm playing with a Jewish deck! GO CRUXIFICTION!"
"Crap, He's playing his Ressurection card. I better find my God card."
"Raa and God are duking it out! Old school!"
"Here comes Satan to defeat my Zeus card. Hahaha! I'll send my suicide bomber card"
And other fun quotes. You can just imagine the possibilites. I even didn't bug Amber today on the bus. And just had fun talking and sleeping. Sleep is very good.

When I get to school, I decide to hang out with Luke and Co. And have fun there. But apparently, Luke had been thinking about the Holy war trading card game, yesterday in Ellensburg. Which kicks ass....
Jessie gave me more Riddlyn today. And I'm going to make a small toxin out of the increasing doses I'm getting. For my experiments of course, I need to see about hooking up him and Tracy....I mean he has a crush on her. And she's so soft spoken...Quotes Yenta..."It's a perfect match!"

Math kicked ass today. I still can't get over the fact I'm out of Ms.Lindsey-Iverson's class. It's amazing. More windows, there's computers, laid back enviroment. I'm such a happy bunny. Even though the truth is, all we've done is tests so far. At least I can do the material...Yay for Pre-Calculus and my ability to actually comprehend and do it!

Next period was Health, we're in the Career Center. It's funny, according to my tests I'm suited for any job. Though I'm mostly a Protector and a Leader, according to my results. Then when I took the other one, I'm supposed to be the following careers, ones which I'd like to be anyway...
Cororner- Ok, examing bodies isn't cool. But corpses don't bother me.
Surgeon-I wanted to be this. Blood doesn't make me squemish. The pay is insane for both of these jobs.
Cardiologist-See above.
Fire Investigator(?)- Basically I find out what caused the fire. It sounds cool as well.
See I like the whole protector idea. Being a policeman, or a fireman. But the pay just isn't good enough! I want to support a family. I honestly think a family life is my ultimate goal. No matter the job, nothing else could compare to a loving wife, and children. People who I can watch flourish and constantly help. It sounds like a joy to me.
Third period flew by. English is so easy for me. I know pick up all I need to know in one reading and then have it memorized, plus my vocabulary is quite expansive.
Fourth period....Student Council meeting. We ratified the Stadium Constitution, it made me feel cool. Plus my Freshman senate really does care about me. I just never took time to notice. They had my "I'm sorry" sign*More on that later* And smuggled it out for me when Mrs.Thomas wasn't looking. Good peoples, they're just different. So happy.
Then lunch, and I saw Rachel and Renata. Yet I didn't feel a real need to follow them. Instead I hung out with Chops, who graciously offered to do my word search for me. Then I went and talked to Traci about Jessie. She's still unsure about a relationship, but I'm sure she'll say yes to the lad in time. Ahh...love is a wonderful thing.
Then I had fun talking to Melissa, who told me not to show Renata and Rachel my, I'm sorry sign. So here's a subrant...if you want to keep on going with my day, or know the sign...move on....
The first day Rachel and Renata were gone. I was still sick, and felt like they hated me. So I took the initiative of a relativly free day, and made a I'm sorry poster. It says I'm sorry in giant lettering. And has two hundred so's, circling it. Isreal pitched in to help me make it. But when I got better I put it to the side. Still, since people have wanted me to use it. I did. More on how that went at the end. End Subrant.
Lunch ended, and I was happy. The pop machine gave me what I wanted today. It normally gives me something random and I drink it anyway... Today it gave me what I wanted.
Fifth period we were supposed to be cutting up magazines and stuff. Cept I read most of the articles....Man oh man! There are so many problems in the world.....And the populace is kept dark to them. There's a huge conflict happening near Africa. Where a native tribe is fending off some Muslims, and the Muslims are trying to destory their culture. Why the hell aren't we trying to help those guys out?
Over here...People are running businesses, like myself, at as young as 10. But the thing is, they engulf themselves in them so much, that they miss out on key social situations. And so end up in ruins. I'm glad I took note that being social was a good skill to have.
To top it all off, there is a place in Japan where people go to commit suicide. WTF? And the thing is...no one does anything to stop it. There are so many suicides...that they are running out of room in that spot...As big as three towns! So screwed up!
Ok, so I move on to sixth period. And I watch a video on The Population Bomb. Add that to my list of books to read...
List of books Spencer needs to read before this year ends.
1. The Population Bomb.
2. Fast Food Nation.
3. John Nash's Theroem.
4. *Insert random Japanese text* Basically The White Rose.

The school day is over, and I decide I want to give my I'm Sorry sign to Rachel. Because it would be a waste of a sign, and I genuinely want to apologize to her. She's just been caught up in the middle of a malestrom. Well, she doesn't catch the bus home. So I end up missing the bus, which is cool with me....because...I talked to a lot of people. And I love people. That's part of my new version. I don't love indivual people, I just love humanity as a whole. It's a pretty good day to be alive...It was also sunny.

Ricky and Sophia plus random drama kids actually asked me to go do something. I politly declined, because I wanted to go to Key Club! Then I realized Key Club must be going on then. So I ran as fast as I could to get there. And I realized that only four people were there. Sam, random other boy, Rachel, and Renata. Damn...no Key Club that day.
Sam is obviously hitting on Renata, and Renata is obviously leading him on. They're going on a date tonight. Sam is very nervous. My sincere hope is that Renata likes him. And that she doesn't hurt him. That would be bad for this kid's confidence.
So I hang out with Rachel and Renata...who just totally blow me off. They don't give a damn about the sign. Which is just as well, because...well....today I saw them for what they were. I just listened to them.
They gossiped about the two boys they were just talking too. All they freaking do is gossip! Honestly! I hate gossip, I despise it! Say it to these people's faces....Then they kind of pig out, and act childish all around. It slightly disgusted me. The gossip was the worst bit though, it sickened me so much I was ready to go hitch a ride with Myles....God damnit...Oops I swore. I'm trying to stop that.
But luckily we move near April....April is the sweetest girl. She taught me a whole bunch of sign language. Like gossip, you're ignoring me, rat, turtle, seal, and other things. April is actually a pretty neat girl. Tommorow at lunch I think I'll go and talk to her. She understands about the whole age thing and how it bothers me...
WARNING SUBRANT! FULL SPEED AHEAD! I fucking hate be younger than other people! It pisses me off so much! I mean, I can't change it. I never thought I'd be a freshman who had other people be prejudiced against me because of my age.
Oddly enough though, most people respect me. The only people who down talk me, or call me a freshman, or refuse me because I'm a freshman. Are downright childish themselves. Joey Swanson, Rachel and Renata, Corin, Keller. Five of those listed can't even drive. I mean come on, how you going to insult someone when you're exactly like them, cept in a higher grade. I know I can do over half their work in my sleep. And not even bitch...Gah! Stupid people.....
End Subrant
Anyway, April is cool beans. She leaves I listen on to Rachel and Renata. I still think Rachel is wicked cool by herself. I'm not so sure about Renny. But oddly, I didn't feel like talking around them. Or even at all. This new version of me seems to find such things trivial. There shouldn't be any drama there, and so I won't let there be. I'll just do stuff with Rachel and leave Renata well enough alone.

Finally, I went home. Am relaxing, and drinking soda. Waiting to leave for the play. So TTL, all. Wish me luck.....
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