Mar 09, 2003 10:50

For the past few days, I've been depressed, crying almost every minute of the day. I couldn't sleep last night so I turned to God. I grabbed my bible out of the closet and read a several chapters. I was rested and calm. I prayed. I am a sinner. I know that I've done bad things and was going towards the wrong path. But I know that I am saved because I believe in God.

I had forgotten that God was by my side the whole time. He was there for me through this ordeal. It was up to me to reach out for his love. He has always loved me no matter what. I was touched by his love last night. He has a covenant with each and every one of us.

The first time I realized that God will always be with me was when I was 15. I was very depressed. I was going in towards a restaurant and someone coming out of the restaurant could see my sadness. They gave me a small card that said "Smile! Jesus loves you" From then on, I knew that God will always be with me, listen to me, and love me always. He is my best friend.

I thought I'd share my experience and pass it on.