RP log with Shoon (blind date)

Feb 25, 2009 23:47

Who: Lazlo and speak_withfists
When: today
Where: the cafe
What: Queen's blind date fiasco. Lazlo strikes out again!

Shoon: *waiting at the table for his third date*

Lazlo: *back in his shorts now that it's warm enough, he looks around for someone holding a card* ....oh, no. Not again.

Shoon: Hi.

Lazlo: Uh...hi. *wave* I know you, you're the one who was going on about Hervey.

Shoon: *shrug* Yeah, I guess. You're...Lazlo right?

Lazlo: Yeah. Shoon, wasn't it? *sitting down with a sigh* I, uh...wasn't expecting another man...sorry.

Shoon: *shrugs again, it's not bothering him at all* Well, there's more guys than girls here so, I guess Queen decided to put guys with other guys. That or she's sadistic. *pause* Mostly sadistic I think.

Lazlo: So I've been warned. I only joined to make some new friends, but...we've already met. So that's two strikes for me.

Shoon: So... who all have you been paired up with so far?

Lazlo: Just Sir Rahal. I think that's all I've got.

Shoon: I was put with my friend Faylen, and that was fun. *grins a bit at the memory* and Euram. *glares a bit at the table clothe at that memory*... So, yeah... ummm....*looks at the menu*

Lazlo: So...half and half, so far. I'm sorry to say I won't be much of a date. I, uh...don't like boys that way. *fiddling with the card and not really interested in food*

Shoon: That's alright, I'm not looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend. I just did this for fun.
Shoon: And I was hoping for free food, too.

Lazlo: Oh, haha...I was sort of thinking the same thing. Though, I don't know if Queen is picking up the tab on these...I need to save what potch I have until I find some kind of work.

Shoon: *pauses to drink some water* Well... I paid for Faylen's so I can pay for you too. I've got the money. Though if Queen IS paying for everyone else I'm going to ask her for compensation.

Lazlo: *dumb grin* Oh, no, it's all right! Really. I'm not really very hungry today for some reason. I-if you still want to go through with this...I can sit and talk, I suppose.

Shoon: We don't have to do this if you're uncomfortable with this. Doesn't bother me any.

Lazlo: Well...it's not that, it's just... *deep frown of thinking* I mean, I did sit and chat with Sir Rahal, once I made it clear it wasn't a date. He told me a little about his dragon-horse, things like that.

Shoon: *snorts a little, and grins* Alright. *looks at the menu* The soups are quite good.

Lazlo: *folding his arms on the table* Hm. We didn't exactly get off to a good start, the last time we spoke.

Shoon: Meh. Hervey and I don't exactly get along. He's loud, I'm loud. Frist time I met him he had girly things in his hair and was singing Mary had a Little Lamb. Then he bought me a drink, and then we played a drinking game. In which he pulled the "your mom" card. Which pretty much killed the game. *says all of this cheerfully*

Lazlo: *blink* .... *blinkblink* ...I take it the pirates play a lot of drinking games around here, then.

Shoon: it was only the one time, that I know of anyways. I had to explain over and over again that I'm mature enough to drink.

Lazlo: *raising an eyebrow in disbelief* How old are you, anyway?

Shoon: Sixteen.
Shoon: *rolls his eyes* I've been on my own for two years, and I keep myself fit- I'm a martial artist, keeping my body healthy is important to me. A drink or two every now and then isn't going to kill me. It's not like I want to drink every night.

Lazlo: Uh...I wasn't lecturing. Still...I'm over twenty and I really don't drink as much as pirates do.

Shoon: Pirates drink a lot. *drinks some more water* So, how's the second sun deal working out for you?

Lazlo: *doesn't realize he's scratching at his left hand again* I...I don't think I like it.

Shoon: *looks at Lazlo's left hand then back at the second sun, and speaks softly* Our Glorious Queen Arshtat has granted us this gift. *sighs* Just don't go around saying it.

Lazlo: You don't have to lie, Shoon. I know I agreed to help keep people calm and from bothering the Queen, but that doesn't mean we have to go around acting like fools.

Shoon: Well, it's kinda fun *grins and then serious* But I am too.

Lazlo: You should be careful. Those knights who are protecting her don't seem stupid. They can probably understand sarcasm quite well. *sighing*

Shoon: Pfft, I could take Kyle. I might loose, but they would end up pretty bad too. *sideways look* 'sides, they know more than we do how dangerous the situation is.

Lazlo: Maybe so. But...I don't want to see fighting. I hope it doesn't come to that.

Shoon: What will happen, will happen.

Lazlo: .... *grows quiet, thinking again*

Shoon: *orders a soup and looks at Lazlo* So, as you probably guessed, I'm from Falena, how about you?

Lazlo: Ah... *lifting his head* The Island Nations. I last lived on Obel.

Shoon: That's cool.

Lazlo: ... *looking away, awkward conversation pause!*

Shoon: So... how are you liking Budehuc so far?

Lazlo: Oh...it's all right, I guess. It's a larger castle than I'm used to. *twiddling his thumbs, aware that he's a terrible conversationalist*

Shoon: *isn't that much better. Looks around* It's about the same size as the arena in Stormfist.

Lazlo: Hm. Well...the islands are small. I suppose...it is sort of like the Knight's Hall on Razril...

Shoon: *nods* I stayed on Razril for a night a week before, that was, about thirty years ago?

Lazlo: Oh! Is it still...I mean, did it seem prosperous? I grew up there, and trained to be a knight there.

Shoon: It was. But then again, that was forever ago. I haven't been South of Jowston for awhile, so I don't know about nowadays.

Lazlo: I see. Hm...I sort of want to see it. I don't expect they'd remember me after almost two hundred years...

Shoon: *nods* I'm sure. Heck, after thirty years I'm sure I'm forgotten about by the people I met on my travels *or hopes so anyways*

Lazlo: Well... *doesn't want to mention that he was sort of a well-known figure back then* ...I guess.
Lazlo: *fidgeting* Uh, well...I don't think I'm going to have anything to eat, so...maybe I'll just go for a walk by the lake. If that's all right, I mean.

Shoon: Ok, well, nice seeing you again.

Lazlo: Uh, yeah. Take care. *he gets up with a slight wave*

shoon, rp log

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