1. Yes it's been awhile. I've been reading still, albeit less frequently than in the past, but a series of events flattened me in terms of my belief that I could write intelligibly, so I've been holding back from saying much. I'm not done dealing with that, but it's been long enough.
2. It's the second last day of the 10 day long 22nd annual InsideOut Toronto LGBT film festival. Unlike TIFF, each screening is shown only once, though some shorts appear in more than one, so missing one means entirely missing the opportunity to see it at the festival. Depending on the content, one may be able to get screener copies or DVD releases, but that's not the same experience, either in terms of seeing it in the presence of an audience of peers, or in the case of many works, of image quality. Out of the 30 screenings that I booked myself for that have passed, I've so far been slightly late for seven, and missed eight entirely - three of them yesterday, when I slept through my alarm set for three hours after I got to bed, the doorbell from the ride when I was supposed to leave, and the phone at least once regarding an appointment Monday that I'm probably going to be too tired to be coherent for, to spontaneously wake up about six hours later than I intended, 40 minutes before the last screening I wanted for the day. Of the five galas/parties booked, I spent meaningful amounts of time at two of them. As festival attendance goes, this isn't too bad. I haven't blown an entire day yet, and I haven't fallen asleep in a screening. My phone did go off in one, embarrassingly. I switched it off, but it has a tendency to turn itself on again occasionally. I could have removed the battery, but it seems a bit much.
Actual coverage will come after the festival once I've had more time to turn my notes into something less personal. By which I mean, something understandable without being me. I've got seven screenings left, and one gala party. Push, push, push.
3. Looking at a Viva Transit bus in the rearview mirror, I was interested to see that I could read the route sign the right way round. I was even more interested to see that I could also do so looking at it straight on. Prior to this, I hadn't known that was possible. I don't know how it's done. It wasn't a matter of it alternating mirror and direct views every few seconds. I looked back and forth at different intervals, and it appeared the same each time. I can speculate about destructive and constructive signal interference, but so far I haven't got something workable. I did do a bit of websearching, with different sets of keywords, but didn't find anything. I'm curious if any of you have encountered something similar in a professional or non-professional capacity, or could point me to an explanation.
4. It hasn't actually been a short while, so calling
chinders a new reader isn't chronologically accurate, but in terms of number of posts I've made since, I think that I can still get away with it for the purposes of welcome. Welcome
chinders. My apologies for not getting to it sooner.
5. Happy birthday to
aedifica and a slightly belated one to
ksumnersmith. I'm not entirely sure about what their perception of etiquette for wishes expressed in the heart at the time but not in writing for
suzanne, and
tiger_spot's birthday happiness, from the past couple of months of birthdays, but it hasn't exceeded my own limits for belated recording, so I'm doing that too.
edited to fix site account links
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