Sep 28, 2012 08:28
This past week, memories of Oscar have taken on a surreality. On the edge of waking, I think he's right there, purring away. The other night, NEKO joined me in the bathroom, and I had a hard time because it was so similar to Oscar's behavior. One morning, I caught something out of the corner of my eye that I could have SWORN was Oscar. Of course, "I turned to look, but [he] was gone....."
Perhaps this is a new phase of grief I have rarely experienced. Perhaps it is triggered by the lasting over-stress at work and the excitement/anxiety of returning to school. Had a bit of a dream about THAT situation, this morning.
While my car radio continues to be on the fritz, the silence on the way to work leaves my mind wandering. And, as per usual, it tends to wander DOWN. Memories of saying goodbye to him at the vet's office were prominent yesterday on the way to work.
Perhaps his dear little spirit is visiting me? Perhaps it is the time of year; two years ago, we were getting to know him and he us. Habits had not set in, and squabbles abounded among the pets.
HE WAS SO CUTE! And, it is SUCH a tragedy for us!
Neko has begun to join me each morning, an hour or two after I wake & go downstairs. Often, he dozes on my lap. Alicia comes down, ostensibly for the sunshine on the floor, but she has always followed me around the house at her own pace since we moved to the condo where we had more than two rooms to live in. ;)
I hope Oscar is frolicking painlessly & effortlessly in heaven with others who WANT to play with him!