Jan 20, 2009 19:48
So, someone at work complained to me today that they didn't want me brushing my hair in the office....
Well, it's a valid point because I'm SHEDDING and THEY don't want hair in their food.....
1) I'm not the type to carry a purse, and there just ain't enough room in my pockets for a fucking BRUSH.
2) I know if I left my brush in the staff restroom, it'd either disappear or get thrown out.
3) There was NO FOOD to be seen when this comment was made.
4) This is coming from the woman who I have to share a desk with, who recently brought in her "Perfect Pet" and parked it on that desk. Space is always at a premium, but now I have to look at & work around a fucking FAKE, yet BREATHING (battery power - gotta love it) fur mop!
I am SO pissed, but of course that was NOT my first response.
You see, I shed EXCESSIVELY in the fall, now. 2 years running. Dr. says its stress. I believe it, because it starts right after Fall RUSH.
Well, when my hair started falling out a LOT last year, I seriously considering lightening its weight -- cutting a great deal of it off.
See, there's an issue here.....
I have difficult hair. I know a LOT of people say or think this, and I think a great deal of it has to do with vanity & ego, but I have MORE difficult hair.
If I'm not careful, it tangles EASILY. Now that I'm older, I know more about what I can do to keep it behaving, but I still risk rats' nest HELL.
I looked like a BOY with short hair when I was a kid. I got a "pixie cut" when I was 4 because I thought the name was awesome & girlie & I was TIRED of trying to deal with the pain of combing out all the tangles after my obligatory bath. It was HELL. It HURT.
But kids are cruel, and I don't think I had all that feminine of a face to begin with.
Well, I even braved it again in 3rd & then 5th grade; failed miserably again in the eyes of the others. I swore I'd never do it again, NEVER cut my hair short!!!!
But, if it's falling out, wouldn't it do better less weighed down? Would my scalp have less trouble with drying out if I didn't have to air-dry my long hair every time I washed it? Would I not have to worry about tying my hair back when I have to work leaning forward so I can see?
While it seems like a practical idea to cut my hair off, I think I'd break my heart all over again.
But if I cut my hair off any time soon, the coworker is going to make a remark. I just know it!
PMS isn't helping.
Glad I called EB. He cheered me up after a bit. But the question remains.... should I cut it?