Kill Ari Part 2 (03x02)

Feb 04, 2017 12:22

At least the stupid Kate-dressed-up flashbacks are almost over. They're used in this episode to prod Tony and Gibbs into action. The memories they choose for the funeral are good portraits of the various characters relationships.

There's another good scene between Tony and McGee, in autopsy when McGee finally goes to see Kate. I like it that Tony is teasing, but it's very gentle, good-natured teasing. I also like that Ducky saw them.

One thing about Ari. Much like Jack Sparrow, he doesn't lie. People may not believe what he says-and he uses that-but he doesn't lie. The way he set up getting his passport and return Ducky.

The continuity error they ended with is repeated at the beginning. Ducky says something about Gerald returning to work, even though in Jimmy's second episode he offered him a full-time job. Gerald inability to drive a stick shift lends a certain about of humor to the kidnapping scene. As does the discussion of the Morgan.

I think Abby is trying a little too hard to convince herself that Gerald and Ducky are just fine.

As good as Tony does getting the information about the passport, I don't like that scene in the swimming pool. For once, Tony is making a fool of himself on purpose and in a good cause, but I still don't like it. I'm a little curious about the scene at the hotel, when Ziva brings Tony coffee. It has no point, plot wise. It's there to give her background and for her to prove she's better than Tony (at this, anyway).

I like it that Gibbs' finally decides that the way to catch Ari is to let Ari catch him. Tobias has such a great line in that scene in the park, in the rain: "I'm going to lie to you. Mossad lies to the CIA, they lie to us, we lie to you. I don't know who you lie to, being the bottom of the armed fed food chain, and unmarried." Joe Spano delivers it very well, too.

First actual mention of Shannon and Kelly. This tells me that even here they're gearing up for the end of the season arc. I'm not all that into long story arcs; however, I don't generally mind it the way NCIS does it, since the arcs usually last only about 4-6 episodes. Not long enough to get villain escalation, and not long enough to tired of the story line.

The episode ends with another scene we will return to again and again.

reviews, episode, season 3, ncis

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