Aug 29, 2004 22:07
Went to Massachusetts on saturday, and just returned a little while ago. it was much more interesting than most trips to my Grandmothers house. i wasn't quite sure what was different, but it was fun, in strange sort of way. i learned the expression "queerer than a three dollar bill" from my uncle, and got to watch my mother smuggle a fair amount of chicken out of a restaurant in her purse (kinda random, since she didn't even like the chicken).
that night i was going through photo albums that my uncle kept. one was of his highschool years (proms, classes, graduations, frenchclub, ect...). one was of a costume party he threw in my Grandmothers back yard. i'm not sure which picture was best out of there: a bunch of dragqueens trying to push eachother in a pool, my uncle and his friends dancing around to the village people (yes in full costume), or the one of my uncle, dressed as a nun, punching Barney the Dinosaur in the face while sitting on him.
The final album was a family album. it occurred to me while looking through it that i've seen very few family albums circulating the families of people i know. so i've decided to put together a survey. if you, the reader (that is if you've gotten this far in the post) have family albums at home, leave a comment of some sort. (kelsey you don't have to if you don't want to. i know you have them because your dad assaults me with them every time i come over. his favorites are the ones of you and chris dressed up for halloween. he talks about how cute you are, then goes on a rant about how chris has no more soul. then he goes into the other room to see if he can find the home movies and i make a break for your room).