Photoshopping! \o/

Jul 07, 2009 23:54

Sooooo...I've started photoshopping again and have done some quick headers that's slightly non-fandom related (hopefully will post up soon).

I'm also working on a set that I'm quite chuffed about - mainly about the idea and not the skill as it doesn't require much. (I'm easing myself back in) That said, I need some help. I've completely forgotten how to use this program and there's a certain feature I want to use for manipping purposes but can't remember how. I've tried googling but obviously my skills there has died. I also remember being part of an icon making community where there were a lot of tutorials. Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the community and I've obviously been booted out due to my lack of activity (I wish they warn you when they do that)

Anyone who's reading - Help please?

(Point me to a good community or someone who has the expertise?)
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