Inspiration Please

Apr 21, 2009 18:02

So I was feeling nostalgic and decided to triapse around lj and my journal to see what I've missed.

*sigh* Why don't I feel the enthusiasm to manip or make icons any more? My that seemed like a very short-lived hobby. I actually doSo I was feeling nostalgic and decided to triapse around lj and my journal to see what I've missed.

*sigh* Why don't I feel the enthusiasm to manip or make icons any more? My that seemed like a very short-lived hobby. I actually do still want to, but I just don't feel inspired. Looking back at my old stuff, I just think - "Why can't i have ideas like that now?" Maybe it was the lovely chats I used to have with my fellow hay1ock stalkers...and I guess hay1ock herself :op - I guess they just made me all fuzzy inside.

Also, looking at my old stuff - why are my animated icons so fast? Have they always been like that - I can barely read some of them!

Aaaand another thing. Not that I have many people on myflist, especially SGA people, but I don't suppose anyone saved my McShep sock!puppet icons? Can't seem to find them on lj or photobucket and have recently lost everything on my comp (I may have backed them up somewhere - no idea where though as it's been such a long time). I don't understand - did I not make a post with the icons? I know I used them. So I'm hoping someone saved them as I was using them *tis hopeful*

Challenge to anyone out there. Please please inspire me somehow - I want to come back to lj land, but I don't know how. Gimme some ideas, gimme some pics, make me manip something!!! Actually, maybe not. I don't have a drawing package anymore :( 


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