Visit to the Good ole U. S. of A.

May 06, 2008 23:19

Hiya guys!

Sorry once again for the lack of ljness.

I need your help. I'm hopefully going to be in New York city for a couple of days at the end of June and I was hoping you can give me any tips of what to go and see. I don't mean the typical tourist sites - I can easily look those up - something quirky and not too touristy. Something different and possible quirkly or even just plain good.

And most importantly - the best places to eat - lunch or evening meal. Budget or expensive-ish/fancy-ish.

Oh oh - and any cheap but nice places to stay at.

Any suggestions used - I'll gladly bring/post something to you from the UK (if you're in the US/Canada) or from the US (if you're from the UK/Europe)

Also, to you lovely people that I talk to, is there anything you want? (From either side of the pond) Feel free to think about it, but I will be leaving for the states at the end of this month.

Thanks in advance!
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