Testing Endurance

Sep 25, 2008 16:13

So for the last few weeks, to supplement and enhance my current training routine I've been doing some endurance training. Frankly, while I'm sure it has a strong biological benefit, it's quite a damn pain. The whole point of endurance training is to push at your limits of endurance and extend them and there lies the problem. It's difficult, monotonous and uncomfortable. As you push against the limits your body starts sending you all sorts of signals that, guess what, here is where the limit is. You experience stress and discomfort as the warning signals get stronger and you push further against the walls. The best you can do to combat it is to distract yourself, which is where the iPod and the dangling wires that threaten to get entangled in everything come into the picture. It provides a distraction not only through music but through the monitoring of the constant threat of the ear buds being ripped from your head. I think it would also be made that much easier if I had someone else pushing there with me, but for now I'm doing it solo. I guess I'll probably keep this routine up for a while, till my limits push out a bit further, but I think by then the monotony of it will have convinced me to scale it back a bit.


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