So I started my new job last Monday, it's been an interesting week. I'm gradually getting my head around what's going on, it's quite a change from my previous environments. I've usually been in 'one-man-band' situations, where I basically control everything and can make decisions about anything. This setup is quite different. Not only am I one person in a six-man team, but a lot of decisions are outside the control of any of us. For example, there are some things we have total control over (our web servers) and some things that we have almost no control over (the ports in the wall) because they're the responsibility of a totally different team run by a different department of the
Uni. So while we could make any change we wanted to the website and the server it runs on, we can't change it's IP address without referring the task to another department. On top of that, once you start working in something as large as a University the politics and money start to become much more complicated. I got a taste of this while working the
Department but I was largely shielded from most it because my supervisor there handled all of it and just let me run everything. The last company had some incredible politics going on and I had almost nothing to do with them at all. This job I think I'm going to have to withstand quite a bit of politics, so I suppose that's another skill I'll have to pick up. On the plus side, lots of eye candy around.
And Saturday night was
XES. Which was awesome. This year it was held in Monkey Bar/Amplifier, which is a large club/pub setup on Murray Street in the CBD. It's a great venue for it. Big and spacious, with an amazing lighting setup. I also bumped into
an old friend and his boyfriend, which threw me for a loop a bit. Haven't actually seen him on the gay scene before. On the downside I had a slight cold, and though it wasn't too much of a problem by about 05:00 I was ready to call it quits even though I had wanted to stay the whole night. Which was a bummer since they seemed to put the best DJs on at the end of the night from about 03:00 onwards, which was when I started feeling a bit pooped. I'd had a few cold and flu tablets during the night though, which had the undesirable side effect of making my sleep pretty restless when I got home, so even though I slept till 13:00 on Sunday, I woke up feeling shattered. And payback is a bitch, those cold and flu tablets have a price to pay. So I spent most of Sunday feeling like I was about to come apart at the seams. Turned in quite early, but it was worth it.
Had so much fun though that now I'm itching for
Pride Party, but I've got to wait six months for it. Ah well, something to look forward to.