May 24, 2007 19:35

After last night's finale, I have to say that LOST is now better than the best show on television.  It was absolutely AMAZING.

The last couple finales have each had something that really intrigues me.  Last season it was the giant statue of a 4-toed foot.  This season it was when one of the Others mentioned "the temple."

[***Attention: SPOILER***] 
I can't believe they would kill off Charlie...and I'm thinking they won't do it.  My prediction is that Desmond will get the scuba gear on, go out and around to the blown-out porthole (maybe contending with Mikhail in the process) then reaching in and pulling Charlie out through the porthole and getting him to the surface.

I also just read that it has been announced that the series will have an official end (some 'fans' [I wouldn't consider them that] have voiced concerns that the show is just being made up as they go along and it's not really going anywhere.  To this I would say watch the first season DVD and the feature about the genesis of the show, and you'd understand that in the first day alone J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelhoff mapped out a plotline that would take at least 5 seasons to tell].  The series finale will air in 2010...which gives us three more seasons to enjoy the island.  The only thing that makes me nervous is that ABC Entertainment president Stephen McPherson said, "It will conclude with a shocking finale."

I'm not sure how to prepare for that.
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