Mar 07, 2005 16:05
New Orleans was awesome. I had so much fun being there w/ everyone else..especially having the whole 3rd floor to ourselves. That was awesome. The bus ride was probably the best. Chris passed a tape recorder around and he had the most random things on it when he got it back and half the bus (if not all) crammed to the back to listen.
I hate graduation exams! And I hate senior and junior privileges! I passed my math and science...I shouldn't have to come to school until 11:00 or whatever like them. Psh. Makes me mad. It was a complete waste of time just sitting and talking in Mr. Yahr's room. Absolutely nothing to do. I did find out some dirt though. Oh wait, dirt is for farmers. And farmers need good dirt.
Don't ask. You had to be there.
I've been so depressed lately, but all going to New Orleans really cleared my head up and I felt happier than I have in a long time. It felt so good. But...I think I'm going back down into the hole. I can't! He won't talk to me anymore. I get that he doesn't like me like that anymore, but he promised we would be friends. He promised...and he doesn't go out of his way to talk to me or see's so depressing to just lose everything you once had w/ a person that easily. It's not like I was there for him that night when he really needed someone. It's not like I searched every store and brought his favorite candy to his house that night after he left because he was so upset. And this was after we broke up....and he acts like I'm not there anymore. It's cool..I won't go on about it anymore...I'll just focus on other people and realize we can't even have a friendship.
I keep taking it for granted that I'll go to college, find some hott guy who I want to spend the rest of my life w/ who loves me, and get married eventually. It dawned on me yesterday that it can't be that easy. What if there isn't a guy for me there. What if my perfect "soul mate" or whatever happens to be at another college, and you just never's just not fair. I just want to be happy..and I know I'm way too young to be even thinking about that or wanting that. And wow...I'm really talking about a lot. I'll shutup.
On the other hand, Spring Break is almost here! I'm so excited to be out of school and be in the sun. Well, atleast I'm hoping. It will probably rain the whole weekend or something. That would suck.
Hakuna Matata! I really need to live by that saying right now. Hannah and I make an awesome duet on that song by the way.