Fuck, guys, I have turned into someone that never posts. This ticks me off so much! D8I have midterms coming up, must study, yadda yadda yadda. But you know what the main deterrent to playing Sims is for me? The main reason why I've played so little this past year? The fact that I don't have a table or desk to put my computer on when I play!! D8
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GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR MIDTERMS! You are not going to fail anything.
Also, omfg ew for not having a desk/chair/something half-way decent to prop your laptop of wonder on DDDD<
Just a heads up, exchange offices are EVIL, EVIL THINGS. Someone on my f-list is in Japan but she had to pester the office to send in forms, had to phone the exchange university herself, and basically it ended up that she got her information like, DAYS (if even that) before she got on the plane, so for the longest time, she did not know if she was going to be able to get on the plane with the ticket she had booked ages ago from lack of a visa coming in. (I may be slightly inaccurate as I don't quite remember, but it was a HUGE HASSLE regardless)
So yeah, I do not envy you, and I wish you luck and hope you have time to constantly pester them, because that's kind of what you need to do. @_@
*HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGS because hugs relieve stress* <333333333
Yeah, the exchange office is made of SO much suck. They were about to send me to the wrong university at one point, then they get the university right but the programme wrong, and now they're like "OH BY THE WAY HERE'S ALL THESE FORMS YOU HAVE TO FILL IN AND BTW YOU ONLY GET TWO WEEKS TO DO IT ALL OH YEAH AND BRING US PASSPORT PICTURES AND GO TO THIS INFO SESSION AND HA HA HA I HOPE YOU DIDN'T HAVE OTHER STUFF TO DO! AND NO, WE COULDN'T HAVE TOLD YOU ABOUT ALL THIS PAPERWORK MONTHS AGO WHEN YOU FIRST APPLIED TO GIVE YOU MORE TIME TO DO IT" -________-
Thanks for your support D: Right now I'm stresed and tired, which is what prompted the rant. I'll probably feel better once I get to sleep (it's 3am where I am... but I'm only awake because I was up studying until recently -_-)
GOTTA LOVE STANDARD EXCHANGE OFFICE PROCEDURE. Seriously, is there any exchange office that doesn't do that? Because I would be totally shocked if there was. They like to make sure you REALLY REALLY REALLY want it, which may or may not drive you slightly insane and increase the urge to stab something with a blunt object. XD
It's..."only" midnight here. I will...okay not finish my essay but I'll get more done omfg I am SO glad the due date was pushed back, yay for class cancellations and nice professors :DDDD
Just think, soon the mid-terms will be over! Then you'll be returned to your usual accelerated 'I want you to memorize these 40 pages by tomorrow and if you don't you fail' program!! :D . . . DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:
If I see any stray luck floating about, I'll shoo it your way.
Seriously, I don't know wtf is wrong with the exchange offices. I told them that they'd sent me the wrong paperwork (this is when they tried putting me in the wrong programme) and what do I get? "We're sorry, but we are not taking in any email questions during reading week. If you are having an emergency, please call us at this number." and I'm like WOW, ARE YOU SERIOUS -__- Way to go guys. So I'm not even going to get the correct paperwork until tomorrow (not that I have any time to get anything filled out before then anyway, but still).
See, I'm lucky in that I don't have a lot of courses that require long readings... but those that do have incredibly BORING ones. So I kept on putting them off and now it's come back to bite me in the ass because I have to go through all of them for Tuesday. It does not make me a happy panda D:
Thank you, I'll be needing it DX
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