Feb 22, 2006 01:47
Today was better than yesterday. Got to get out of the house. Tae bought me some new shoes, bless her heart...now my feet wont die everytime I go out now. XD I had the same shoes ever since I was a sophmore in highschool...which was like...4 years ago. How sad is that? XD
Daftlemon called me today and read me a british story from her science class...XD it was great. I absolutly love her Wisonsin accent <3<3<3 Dani usually comes back with the accent when she goes down there to visit her family. Which makes me giggle and I make fun of her. All out of love though. <3
Mom supposedly is coming Thursday morning. We shall see though. Apparently a winter storm warning...or something. ;.; I'd hate to leave her down there all by herself and her being all lonely..and I'd love to see her...but to spend a whole week there might kill me. XD Ever since I had gotten sick and was stuck down there and she attacked me...Im all wigged out and spazing with "what ifs". ANd all my "friends" that I had down there are all long gone and doing things productive with their lives and traveling...school, and all sorts of adventures. ._. Oh well, who needs them anyways? XD Only friends I had were Jason and Brandon. Mellisa is like..what..15? And is pregnant now...she hated me cause Jason and I once dated...and Jason still had feelings for me for a long time after I had lost them for him. Oh wait..I never had them. ._.; *terrible person* Its cold and icky down there...not much to do around the ranch work wise. So I'll be stuck inside most of the time. A few days wouldn't be so bad...but a week. x____x *gouges own eyes out and feeds them to the dog*
After a good day...My mood suddenly went for another downfall. Guess its bedtime then. Got that appointment tomorrow. Perhaps, this doctor can help me...or atleast help me...to help myself.