Title: Three Yakuza and a Baby, Chapter 6: Aki's in trouble!
priestess_grrrlSeries: Viewfinder, which belongs to the wonderful Yamane-sensei, not me.
Pairing: Akihito and... Akhito. But Asami's there in spirit. ^_~
Rating: NC-17; warnings for bondage, masturbation, mild violence. Also, cliffie. (Sorry...!)
Notes: Apologies for the long delay; will
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a comb in Akihito's ass!
gaged, bound, blindfolded and wet!
I cannot take it!!!!
I need a moment to breath myself!
**dies laughing**
But with Akihito, it's like:
priestess_grrrl Hey Aki! Why don't you cry here?
Akihito: Okay! *cries*
priestess_grrrl Okay, now how about we kidnap you?
Akihito: Um... okay, I guess I get kidnapped a lot...
priestess_grrrl Okay, how about I hogtie you, ballgag you, shove a comb up your ass and watch you jerk yourself off while writhing around in full bondage? That'd be hot!
Akihito: D-do I have to?
priestess_grrrl Oh, come on, you'll get to have Asami come rescue you! And he might even get almost-emo, like maybe a whole sweatdrop! And when it's all over, you'll get to have some ice cream!
Akihito: Ooh, ice cream? Okay!
That's about how it goes. He's just a fangirl's delight!
Anyway, thanks for reading, darling...! ^_^
You are so right, though! I am writing a crack piece myself now that has 2 pairings: Asami/Akihito and Akihito/Ice-cream. If Asami cannot be sweet to the boy himself, at least he can provide Akihito with all the ice cream in the world!
Oh, and pockys! :)
** I should probably downsize on the ice cream part just a tad!
I had to change it a little bit, though. There is still some ice-cream involved, but not to the point where I can claim Akihito/Ice-Cream pairing anymore. :) There was too much going on and I decided to separate it into one-shot which I will post in YA_community in about a week or so.
Anyway, you're welcome to read any of my fiction, the links are in my profile :) I will be glad if you enjoy them :)
"...he might even get almost-emo, like maybe a whole sweatdrop!" ::cracks up::
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