Title: Konzen's Special Secret Private List of Do's and Don'ts
priestess_grrrlSeries: Saiyuki Gaiden
Pairing: various mentioned
Rating: PG
Genre: crack!
Notes: Inspired by the ridiculously hilarious
Kenren list and the
Tenpou list by
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Comments 46
this is freaking hysterical. *falls out of chair laughing*
oh and i read the other two that you posted links to. they were really funny too. thanks for the link.
I haven't read any Gaiden yet (waiting for v. 3 & 4 of Reload to come from another library system) but it's not to hard to figure out who's who.
Shall I tell you again how grateful I am to you for convincing me to read these stories?
Gaiden is really lovely. I don't know when we might be getting ANY of it in English, sadly... Who knows what's up with that. Mosh might put it up in saiyuki_manga eventually... I'll let you know if she does. It's the story of all of them up in Heaven before they incarnated as their present selves (except Goku, he's the same, just younger, because remember he's actually 500 years old).
Of course you know I like it because we get Gojyo and Hakkai as General Kenren and Marshall Tenpou. Just to give you an idea, here's a picture of the glory that is our Marshall and our General. *licks her smexy military boys* And if you think they kick ass and take names in regular Saiyuki? Fuck. Their heavenly counterparts are like, in a whole different league. Fuck ME they're hot. Seriously...!
But hello, soldier boys? I mean, who isn't fucking their superior officer? Or thinking about it? And especially with the two of their characters, I mean, they just could give a FUCK about what anyone thinks. Hakkai is much, much more subdued and obedient than Tenpou, I mean, Tenpou is sometimes worse than Kenren. So yeah, in conclusion: subtext FTW...! ^_~
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