Feb 14, 2006 19:39
Was thinking about brief discussion on previous (locked) post about LJ being insecure.
OK, so someone could feasibly get hold of your password in some nefarious fashion and hack your account (oh, please - they're far more likely to phish for your bank details - it's more profitable!) - but the most common ways that people get to see or hear about posts they shouldn't are by other people leaving themselves logged in, people showing each other posts that they shouldn't (whether directly on screen, or by emailling screenshots/cut & pastes etc), or by people inadvertently talking about posts that others didn't have access to.
Which leads to an obvious comment:
LJ itself isn't insecure. LJ users are insecure.
My sense of humour then caught up with my plodding logic, and giggled, lots :)
(And yes, yes, I know - it's only some users, you're not all insecure in either sense of the word...but the fact I even had to make this disclaimer to point this out is rather telling, don't you think?)