(no subject)

Jun 14, 2010 23:17

I have written so little about Miela here, it makes me sad.

She likes hats. She knows the word hat. She likes to walk around the living room wearing a hat, saying, "Hat. Hat." She likes to put food on her head, and say, "Hat. Hat."

I frequently find myself in a what is art discussion with her. She points at things all the time saying, "What's this?" Or something like that. I mean, she's only 1, her words aren't exactly clear, but she's definitely asking what things are.

Anyway, she pointed at a lot of Jago art one day, and I told her, "That's art." Pointed at more art on the walls, got told it was art. Now she points at all kinds of things, saying "Awt. Awt." Sometimes it is art, sometimes I have to say, "No that's a light. No that's a clock. No that's the thermostat. No that's a magnet with Wonder Woman on it. Hmm, is that art? I don't think so."

She's gotten pretty good at walking. Sometimes she even runs a little. She likes to be chased. She laughs and laughs her sweet little laugh.

She calls me Mom-mee. That's how it sounds to me. Both syllables are equally stressed. She calls Daddy, Jago, and anyone she likes Mama. She all the time points at Jago, looks at me, and with much fondness says, "Mama."

She loves music. She loves dancing. She's figuring out that she can dance on her own (as opposed to me holding her and dancing with her). She's starting experimenting with turning and spinning. Also bouncing at the knees. She does a lot of waving her arms. She's got pretty good rhythm.

She likes to sing along to things sometimes, often she hits notes pretty close to what she's hearing.

She is such a happy child. She's all smiles and laughs, most of the time. When she isn't, you know it, and it is sad.

She has this fabulous smile where she crinkles up her little nose.

She loves to wave and say Hi and Bye. She frequently these days uses those correctly.

She loves phones. She will pretend she's on the phone, by holding her hand up to her ear sand saying, Hi!

She loves food. She eats almost anything we give her. Her favorites seem to be chicken and berries, with raspberries being the very favorite. She calls them Mmmmmm.

She asks for her bottle by saying baba and shaking her hand back and forth, mimicking the way we shake it to mix it up.

She likes fans. She points at fans and makes a funny blowing sound.

She talks quite a lot sometimes, in her sweet baby language. It feels like she's trying to teach me her language sometimes. I wish I understood it.


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