I thought I'd see if I could spew out some Miela stuff.
She'll be 7 weeks old on Friday.
It's nearly impossible to not compare her to Jago, because until her, he was our whole "baby" experience.
She seems so laid back and chill compared to him.
She sleeps fairly well, again compared to him. I think she's pretty light sensitive, both because she reacts a lot to it, like it wakes her up and stuff, but also because she pretty quickly started sleeping more at night. She usually sleeps about 2-4 hour stretches at night, between about 9pm to 5 or 6 am.
I get up and nurse her back to sleep, which usually takes about an hour. It might go faster if I were less sleepy, and also if I didn't watch a movie during that time (which I do to try to help me stay more awake, because otherwise I end up falling asleep sitting up, which is lousy), but I dunno, it's mostly working for us at the moment.
With Jago we had him either in a bassinet right next to me in bed or just in the bed with us. I've since realized that even though it was convenient for nursing, I can't sleep while nursing, nor do I sleep well with my baby so close by. I want her in the same room with me or her daddy (or both), but not right next to me. I prefer really getting up and nursing her and being awake for a while, then putting her back in her bed and me going back to mine.
I might've gotten a little bit more sleep with the Jago way, but a lot of it was a lower quality sleep.
During the day her sleeping and waking seems to vary some. Some days she sleep a ton on her own, some days she sleeps a ton but only while on me (baby wearing or in my lap). Some days she's more awake. Some days she wants to do pretty much nothing bu nurse.
Breastfeeding is going ok. Not as smoothly as it did with Jago, but ok. She still occasionally latches on weird. But I still certainly love doing it.
She's gotten a bit fat. Don't know what she weighs now, but she gained weight pretty quickly. She's got the sweetest fat little belly and just rolls and rolls of thighs.
She was born with what they call "stork bites," reddish spots on her forehead and eyelids which are supposed to go away with time. Sometimes they're pretty much gone, other times they're fairly bright.
The mark on her forehead reminds me of a Hindu sadhu (for examples of what I mean, check out
this or
She also had something called "stuck baby syndrome." This is where in the womb a baby will get stuck in a certain position. So she was born with a torticollis, meaning a tendency to turn her head to one side way more than the other, and also slight asymmetry of her head. We have to make sure to get her to turn her head the other way a lot, and it's already improved tremendously, and the asymmetry is pretty much evened out. It should be something she grows out of no problem.
She looks all the time like she has something to say. She has in fact said "hi" back to us a couple times. Jago didn't start doing that until he was 8 weeks old. Is she somehow going to be more talkative than Jago? Is that possible?
She often seems to me like she's been here before, and sometimes I feel like she's tired of being a baby already. Like she seems so confused that she can't make her hands and head do what she wants.
Though in the last week, I feel like she's started to enjoy her babyness a lot.
My mom started playing with her by waving her (my mom's) tongue in and out and making bleh-duh-bleh noises. Miela loves this, and now if you're just kind of looking at her, she'll start trying to do it. Sticking her tongue in and out and trying to make sounds at the same time. So cute.
And she loves when I curl my tongue and tries to do it too. Three different times now, when I've out of nowhere said to her, "Can you curl your tongue?" she has stuck her tongue out at me.
She loves her brother a lot. He's pretty entertaining to her.
In spite of her seeming annoyance about the limitations of her baby body, she seems pretty content to me much of the time. Not so intense as Jago. Certainly she gets upset and cries a bunch and stuff, but she doesn't seem upset to her core the way he did (does), it's more just like, Hey I really don't like what's happening right now!
She likes music and noise quite a bit. Doesn't seem to bother her sleeping or anything. Unless the noise is suddenly loud in a previously quiet room.
She's super duper sweet. I love all her jerky little awkward baby motions, arm waving and leg kicking. All her funny baby sounds, huffing and puffing and grunting. And occasional baby talk goo noises.